Bars~ WinterHawk

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AN: my power went out when I wrote this so I guess this is my bored and brain dead chapter. Bucky has his short hair by the way.



I wipe the counters of the bar I work at and was flipping chairs when a guy walks in to the bar "We're close to closing, but I can make you a quick drink in a second". I didn't turn to look at him, but I heard him hum and pull out a stool. I rolled up the sleeves of my black button up since they started to fall down and finished flipping chairs before going back behind the bar. I finally looked at the guy. He was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it and looked like hell. I leaned on the counter "What can I get you" he shrugged "Anything". I nod "Rough day?" he scoffs "Describe rough". I made him an Aunt Roberta and started cleaning cups "Thanks". I nod and sigh as the door opens "After hours?". I nod "Yeah Nat" she hums and pulls out a stool "Looks like hell". I smile "Don't antagonize customers" I turn and she puts her hands up and turns to him "Natasha". She holds out her hand after introducing herself and he shakes it "Bucky". The name somehow suited him "How did you end up ordering a drink from my friend at a gay bar tonight?". He shrugs and I wipe my hands off before throwing the towel over my shoulder "Nat, you're going to make this bar go out of business if you keep chasing away customers".

She rolls here eyes "And you are going to do that yourself if you keep pissing customers off". I flip her off "They started it" Bucky finishes off his drink "Thanks for the drink". I nod and he left the bar "Come on, we need to go" I nod "Yeah let me finish cleaning up". Nat and I head to our shared home after I lock the doors to the bar. She smirked "He was cute" I roll my eyes, but let a smile break through. "He was wasn't he?" she gasps "Finally, I hope he comes back". I scoff "I hope you're gone when he does". She pushes my head "I work there too y'know, I just took off for something". I nod "You mean Wanda?" she shrugs "I think it's going well, she nice, smart, beautiful, strong...". I listen to her rant about her girlfriend until we got to our house. I unlock the door "Get some sleep Clint alright, you could use it". I nod "You too" she pats my shoulder before walked off to the bathroom across from her room. I wanted the upstairs room and she wanted the downstairs room, so it worked out perfectly when we got the house. Either way, I went upstairs to my bathroom and took a quick shower before going to bed.

I didn't see Bucky until a week later, he walked in with a tall blonde guy. I assumed it was his boyfriend, which made me a little sad. I shook my head and continued handing out drinks to horny customers who try to hit on me, or the guy next to them. Natasha was out and about taking orders and making drinks, trying to lighten the load. She let Buck and his friend make their way to the bar though. We had a strict dress code, so everyday it was a black button up and black slacks, with slip proof shoes of course. Ice was everywhere, so we had to be careful behind the bar. I was bad at being careful behind the bar, and I don't know why Fury makes me work behind the bar. I smile as he waved me down "Haven't seen you in a while, though you weren't coming back". He sends me a small smile "What can I get you?". His friend sent me a small wave and I nodded to him as I tried to hear the order. "Can I get 2 of that drink you made me last time?" I nod "Coming up". I finished the order and handed it to him, before Natasha showed up. 

I mentally face palmed as she waved "Hey Buck, nice to see you not depressed. Clint I can't get past the crowd of guy staring at you can you please shoo them away from the entrance to the bar". I groaned "I already did, they seem more determined tonight, think you can shove your way through?". She shrugs "I can see" she runs off and I ignored Bucky and the blonde staring at me while I took the next person's order. I watched the crowd carefully as Natasha pushed her way through, making sure she was alright. She eventually got through and closed the small door quickly. I stopped her while walking past her "You good?" she nods "Yep, now go back to work you slacker". I rolled my eyes and let go of her, thankfully I didn't get far away from her before slipping on a pile of goddamn ice. I grab her shoulder and she grabs my arm and puts her hand securely on my back. "Where are your slip proof shoes?" I shrug as I gain my balance again "Somewhere in the house". She rolls her eyes "We can look for them tonight". 

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