Bartender~ Ironhawk

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AN: Thought of this in the living room of my uncle's house, enjoy. Tony is 26 and Clint is 22.



I started working as a bartender st a gay bar, surprising for me but not to many others who expected something like this from me "hey Nat, usual?" my best friend of 13 years nodded and rested her head on her hand. I poured her a drink we made up but never named and she downed it in one go "weird having a woman in a gay bar" she laughs "yeah I know, where else am I going to get free drinks though" I roll my eyes and serve another customer "better be glad Fury likes you, I think you're his favorite". She smiles "how was the date" she lets her smile leave and shakes her head "nightmare, how's the flirts" I shrugged "same as usual, wonder why though" she crosses her arms "because you're short and they think you're cute" I sigh "figures, hold on" someone new walked in and sat 2 seats away from Nat. I walked over and threw my towel over my shoulder "what can I get you" he shrugs "anything strong" I smile softly "rough day huh, here me and a friend came up with this" I gave him the drink I gave Nat "thanks" he throws a hundred on the table "keep them coming" I nod and walk over to Nat after he flies through two of them and was nursing his third.

She smiles as me as I walk over "cute, wonder was has him upset" I shrug "let him be, he looks like he needs a break from everything" I was aware of him glancing over as I walked past him to attend another person "bottle of fireball!" I yelled back to Phil and he handed me the bottle. I walked back to the group of guys and handed them the bottle after they paid "hey cutie wanna drink with us" I shake my head "not happening" I walked over to Nat since nobody but newbie was at the bar. I noticed he was getting low right before I reached her and slip another to him making him smile gratefully and nod "Clint, come here" I turn and walk over to Nat "yes, Natasha" she smirks "stop looking at me like that" her smirk always creeped me out. I smile when Fury walks over to the bar "hey boss man" he rolls his eye "Barton you're on clean up, and stop messing around with Natasha, she's a bad influence" he walked off "will do" she laughed "i'm not that bad". 

I shake my head "I don't think he's for given you for the first time you guys met" she throws her hands up "that was 13 years ago" she moves a seat closer to the newbie as I walk to the sink type thing to wash up some of the cups. I heard whistles "hey bartender" Nat rolls her eyes "have fun" I nod and walk over to the guys "yeah" the two guys sit down "we're having a bet" I lean against the wall behind me "who would you rather get the number of" I hum "i'll have to go with you". I point to the guy on the right, he was a blondie with brown eyes "well it's your lucky day" he hands me a piece of paper "see you later" I take the paper and walk over to Natasha again "how many is it at this point" I shrug "don't know, don't care, I never call them anyway". She smiles "why don't you just reject the papers" I grab a cup and wipe it off with the towel  on my shoulder "I feel bad when I do that, i'll text him and say i'm not interested like all the others" she shrugs "just saying". 

I hand the paper to her "don't burn it this time, the other guy came storming up here pissed" I set the cup to the side and start on another before seeing the newbie's cup almost empty "hang on" I make another drink and slide it to him. He was really out of it and I grabbed his cup prior "can I ask you something" I stop and nod "sure" he looked up at me "have you ever just given up on trying to be the person that everyone else wants you to be". I lean against the counter in front of him "I gave up a long time ago, I suggest being who you want to be, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, you're the one who has to face yourself everyday in the mirror, become someone you would be proud of". He smiles and nods "thanks, I really needed reassurance on the thing i'm about to do" I smile back "anytime" I take his cup to the sink "he seems to be doing a little better" I nod "I would blame that on the drink we made, it makes people happy, speaking of finish that up so I can put in it the sink". 

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