Jump Scares and hugs~ Hawksilver

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AN: Inspired by the picture above, enjoy.



I was excited for the haunted house we were going to. Tony's idea surprisingly, but I guess he just mostly wanted to see Steve scream. He was rambling about it all day. My only problem was that the stupid kids were going. Wanda didn't bother me, she was quiet and sweet. Her brother annoyed the fuck out of me though, he was loud and full of energy. Especially in the morning, when I didn't have any energy. It was weird that they were twins yet so different. Though I guess a lot of the things they did were alike. Which wasn't the point at all, just know that Pietro annoys the fuck out of me and Wanda doesn't. 

We were all leaving when I ran back in to get the spare knife I kept in my boot, which I accidentally left in my dresser. I ran back down and unfortunately got stuck in the car with the two arguing twins, Bucky, and Steve. The twins were fighting too much so I had to sit between them in the backseat to be a barrier for arguing. It didn't work because then they just argued over my head. Steve looked in the rear view mirror and laughed before nudging Bucky, who laughed as well. "Say one word and I will come up there" Bucky took a quick picture "Too late". I flipped him off and the rest of the ride was thankfully quiet. They managed to make up, and Pietro managed to sit still through the 20 minute car ride. I sighed when we got there and got out on Wanda's side for obvious reasons. 

Natasha put her arm around my shoulders "You ready?" I roll my eyes and nod. "Definitely" she pushed my head forward as she was walking and I flipped her off. She sent me a smile before we all got in line. We all had hats and sunglasses so nobody recognized us until we got to the front and tossed them to the side. "Holy shit, you guys are-" Tony covers his mouth before he could yell it. "Sorry we're trying not to be recognized" he nods and Tony lets go "It's fine, you can go ahead and go in". Tony nods and when I walked past the kid I leaned towards him "Can you watch those please, I don't feel like listening to Tony complaining about losing his favorite hat". He nods and I follow them in. I was the last one in and the door shut behind me. It was a small haunted house and we finished it within 20 minutes. "That was kinda boring" Pietro of course had to comment on it. Right after he said it though, one of the actors came up behind him and screamed loudly. He yelped and used his speed to run the opposite way. Unfortunately, I was the one on the other side of him, and was tackled to the ground. I groaned as a searing pain shot through my head "Ow..". Pietro shot up and was hiding behind his sister by the time I was even sitting up. 

I shot him a glare as I stood and rubbed the sore spot on the back of my head. "Fucking kid.." He sent me a nervous smile and I rolled my eyes. Natasha shook her head with a smile "Lean down you idiot". She pulled my head down gently and pressed on the spot a little. "It's only bleeding a little" she lets me go and I rub it again "I oughta make him bleed a little". She shakes her head with a laugh "Maybe later, let's go eat, Tony said Steve had something else big planned".  I shrug and she smiles "You look like a grumpy older sibling in the picture by the way". I flipped Bucky off as he snickers "I get first pick on my seat". I sat behind Bucky, and next to Pietro, who was in the middle, obviously. Before we started going, Steve turned in his seat to face us "It's a 2 hour drive, so no fighting or bickering, or i'll let Clint get you back for giving him a headache". He turned back around and Bucky handed me some Tylenol. I took it and leaned my head against the cold window. 

About half an hour into the ride, I saw Pietro's head fall back against the head rest in the middle. Wanda took a picture quickly before looking back out of her window. I shook my head with a smile on my face as she sent it to someone. Steve drives steadily, until someone pulls out in front of him. The people in the back are usually the ones getting thrown around, while the person in the passenger seat gets the 'oh shit' bar as I like to call it. Let's be honest, every time you grab that bar you either think or say oh shit, so it's a good name for it. Either way, we're stupid and did not wear a seat belt when we got in the car. Resulting in all of us getting thrown forward when he slammed on his breaks. Pietro was asleep and didn't react in time, so I stuck my arm across his chest to stop him from flying forward. When he actually became aware of his surroundings, he was still a little frantic and Steve had pulled over to the side of the road. "Is everyone ok?" I nod and breathe out "Yeah, Yeah, everyone's good". He nodded "Ok, whoever it was hit the front of us, i'll be back" he got out and we all settled back into our seats. I leaned my head against the window, but felt Pietro staring at me.

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