Neighbors~ Ironhawk

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AN: lets not question why I was gone for so long:)


Peter comes running into the house and jumps over the back of the couch to sit next to me. "Hey dad" I put my phone down and smiled at him. "Hey Pete, how was school?" he shrugs "Flash was making my life hell again". I nod "Yeah? what did he do this time?". He sighs "He was saying all sorts of nonsense then got us both detention when he yelled out that I was an asshole, and refused to admit it was him so we both got in trouble". I nod "Better than suspension". He nods "Yeah true" he was staring off for a while before looking back at me. "Do you still miss pops?" guess it was one of those days for him. "I never stopped missing him, every time I wake up and come face to face with his bow that I never could move, every time you stick your tongue out when you concentrate just like he did, and every time I feel the cold metal of the chain around my neck". He nods "How did you and him meet?" I smile "What a story that was". He already knew it, he just liked listening to it. "It was a spring day, April 16th, I was 22, when he and his moving truck came rolling down Cherry Balm Rd...".


Steve, Bucky, Sam, and I were playing a game of football in my front yard when this nice silver car followed by a moving truck pulled up to the house across the street. I usually wouldn't mind it but the guy that got out of the car was amazing. I paused, and was staring for a minutes before I was tackled by Bucky. "You cheating bitch!" we ended up wrestling and play fighting about who was in the right. "Alright ladies, come on drink break" Steve pulled his boyfriend by the hand to get a drink. Sam threw one at my head while I was seated on the ground. I rub the spot it hit before taking a drink out of the water bottle. "Ow" Sam shrugs "I'm hurt, just like when Bucky decided to try and kill me". Bucky rolls his eyes "If you weren't staring at the eye candy across the street I wouldn't have tackled you". I flip him off and stand up to answer my phone. "Hello?" Peppers voice flowed through my ear. "Hey, I was just wondering what time the barbecue was starting today". I planned on having a barbecue with Pepper, Wanda, Pietro, and the three that were already here. "Whenever, Sam, Steve, and Bucky are already here" she hums "Alright, i'll see you in a minute". She hung up and I tossed my phone back onto the grass.

I set my water next to it and looked across the street again to watch my new neighbors moving stuff in. I just couldn't spot the guy that got out of the car. "Looking for your soon to be boyfriend" I swat at Sam who was looking over my shoulder. He laughs "You should ask him over". I nod "yeah, wanna come with?" he smirks. "Is the great Tony Stark scared to go alone?" I rolled my eyes. "Come on you gloating asshole" he laughs and follows me over to my neighbors who, after we knocked, were inside trying to move things around. "Hey, we're from across the street, i'm Tony and this is Sam" I shake the woman's hand who showed up. "Hi, um, i'm just helping a friend move in do you want me to go get the guy who is living here?". I nod "Sure" she turns before continuing "I'm Natasha by the way". I nod and she disappears back into the house. A moment later she comes back with the guy who got out of the silver car. "Hi, i'm Clint" I shake his hand "Tony, and this is Sam". Sam nods when I introduce him "We wanted to invite you two to a barbecue we're having in about an hour across the street".

They both nod before Clint answers "Sure, we'll be there". I nod and turn before calling over my shoulder "See you". I headed back across the street with Sam "You could've gone alone, I didn't even say a word". I shrug "Well you being there helped....a little" he hums "Right". We made it back to Steve and Bucky who were raiding my fridge when I walked through the backdoor. "Hey, have fun goo-goo-eyeing the neighbor" I flip Bucky off and pull out the barbecue stuff. "Pepper's on her way, and you know she's going to pick up Wanda and Pietro on the way over so we have to get started". Steve nods "I'll start the fire". Bucky grabs a knife and vegetables while Sam grabs his keys "I'll go get drinks". He leaves and I start preparing the meat, which takes a minute. I took longer than I thought for me to take it out to Steve. By the time I made it out there, Pepper was already here with the twins "Hey Tony". I wave "Hey, one sec". I set the stuff down next to Steve who nodded and I walked over to them. I put an arm around Pepper "So, I invited the new neighbors". She nods "And?" I smile "I call dibs on the guy". She gapes "Not fair! I wasn't even here" I shrugged. "Should've been here earlier if you wanted to stare at eye candy".

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