Foster~ Hawksilver

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AN: Yeah I might not get this out in time because I have band camp in like 2 days. Hopefully if I binge write, I can do it. I did not, so this is coming out after.


I was now a foster kid. I was taken in by a drunken asshole, who couldn't keep his liquor down most of the time. I was transferring to a new school and I was stressed to no end. I was finally on my first day of school. I nervously walked in and avoided people in the halls. I was going through all my classes and kept my head down mostly. I was called on for a question and I wasn't paying attention, so I read the board. The question was a simple algebraic equation. I answered with just looking at it and the teacher walked over. She looked at my notebook and saw nothing about the equation on it. "You didn't write anything down?" I shook my head. She nodded with a small smile "Impressive Mr Barton, can you solve the others?". I nodded and answered them with ease and no notes. She smiled at me and walked over to her desk to write something down. She wiped the board and continued the lesson. I put my head back down and continued zoning out. I knew everything here anyway, so it wasn't a big deal.

Before Fury finding me and sending me into the system to be normal, the ringmaster taught me everything. He taught me about every subject until I could be asked something and answer without notes. Every subject. I was advanced in everything. I made it through the rest of the day without a problem. Until I was putting my books away after my last class. My locker slammed closed and I quickly pulled my hand away. I was told not to seriously injure someone, so I was stuck doing nothing. This guy towered over me, but he has so many open spots. He scoffed down at me "What was that shit in math?". I shrugged "I'm just good at it" he scoffs. "Good? You had to have notes somewhere. No one is that smart. Especially not someone like you" I frowned and rolled my eyes. "Just because you're retarded, doesn't mean everyone else is" he shoved me into the lockers. I knew it was coming. His stance showed everything he was about to do.

The metal dug into my shoulder blades for a second, but I was prepared for it. His hand was still on my chest, so I pushed it off roughly "Don't touch me". People were staring after hearing my back collide with the lockers. I noticed a hot silver haired guy staring across the hall. He scoffed "Or what?" I shook my head, remembering my warning I got from Fury. "Don't, it's simple" I also didn't like people touching me, so getting angry was easy. He went to shove me into the lockers again, but I caught his hand. I twisted his arm and landed a punch on his ribs. I pulled the punch so it wouldn't break, but it would definitely hurt. He fell to the ground and I scoffed, walking away. I was pissed off and it wasn't wise for me to be around people that annoyed the hell out of me. I had a bit of an anger issue, so I usually walked away. I went to the library and picked out a random book. I looked through the bookcase as I saw a group walking in. It was the silver haired guy and his group.

I walked over to a table and sat down. I knew they were staring, but I ignored it and opened my book. Turned out it was a book called I Hunt Killers. I was a couple pages into the book when a couple people sat at my table. I glanced up and put my book down. It was the silver haired guy, 2 brunette guys, a blonde guy, and a red haired girl. "Who are you?" one of the brunettes were the first to speak. "Who are you?" I turned the question around on him and he nodded. "I'm Tony" I hummed "Clint". He nods and they all went around saying their names. The blonde was Steve, the other brunette was Bucky, the red haired girl was Wanda, and the silver haired guy was Pietro. Wanda and Pietro had accents that I couldn't place and it caught me by surprise at first. "How did you lay Brandon down like it was nothing?" I shrug "He left himself open when he went to shove me". Tony nods "Right? Where are you from?". He looked extremely curious and he asked a lot of questions "Do you usually ask everyone questions?". Steve nods "Yes, he does to everyone" I nod "I'm from a lot of places".

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