Ridiculous Fights~ Ironstrange

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AN: This takes places right after Civil War. Stephen and Tony met during the first Avengers movie after Tony got out of the wormhole.



I was getting tired and this was not helping "Stephen please i'm trying to work" he was getting angry because I went looking for Steve "you are so fucking dumb, do you know what could've happened if you found him and he didn't want to talk". I sigh "I don't know Stephen, I just need to get this done, I told Peter I would have his suit done tomorrow" I needed him to let me finish this before arguing about this. I know he loves me and I love him, but I can't just avoid my problems like that "it's always everyone else isn't it" I drop my tool "just stop Stephen, i'm fine and i'm here you don't need to do this". He snaps "TONY YOU'RE GOING TO END UP DEAD AND I'M NOT GOING TO BE THERE" I could feel my heart physically break "if you're not going to be there, then why be here now".

I watched him storm off and cursed to myself while tears fell down my face "fucking" I pour myself a drink and continue working constantly for the next week, after I gave Peter his suit of course. I couldn't believe that he still wasn't speaking to me after a week "sir you have a fever" I shrug "oh well I need to get this done" I was halfway done with my arc reactor when I was really starting to feel the all nighters for the past week "fuuuuuck" I wipe my face and take a deep breath which threw me into a coughing fit. That was when I heard a knock on my door, I turned and expected to see Stephen, but instead I saw Rhodey "oh hey" he sighs "alright everyone's noticed, what's going on" I shrug which makes him roll his eyes.

He sits in one of the chairs "alright the hard way" I roll my eyes "he said shit" he crosses his arms "it hurt" he nods "there it is, Tony look he feels bad, so stop hiding in here" I shrug "so? i'll stay in here if I want". I guess he knew he wasn't winning this one "alright, i'll see you when you resurface" I nod and he leaves me be in here "hey Rhodey" he turns around "yeah" I hesitate and look away "thanks" I could hear the smile in his voice "no problem". I heard the door close and spun to continue working on my arc reactor "sir Mr. Strange has entered the tower" I nod "please lock the doors FRIDAY" I heard the dead bolts set in place "done sir" I finish the arc reactor and start hooking myself up to the machines.

I heard FRIDAY start saying something before stopping "FRIDAY?" I wait patiently "it's not safe to do this without someone else here" I nod "I know, but I don't have another choice" I start to take out the defective arc reactor "sir I could contact Mr. Strange for you" I shake my head "do not do that". I knew that my hands were to big for this, but I didn't need Stephen "alright just like operation" I take the first reactor out and could feel my heart rate slow down while I was trying to get the reactor in my chest. I finally got it in and noticed a panicked looking Peter outside my lab "FRIDAY let Peter in" Peter came in "are you ok Mr. Stark" I nod "yeah kid why" he points at the old reactor in my hand "oh this, yeah just takes a minute to get the new one in my chest". He nods "ok are you sure" I nod "yes kid, i'm fine" he nods "ok just making sure, what are you working on".

I let him follow me to my desk and watch me work "what is it" I laugh and attach it to the new reactor "well I needed a stronger reactor for a stronger blaster,and this one can handle the back lash better than my old one". His eyes lit up while I spoke about it "cool" I nod "yeah, it is isn't it" Stephen always zoned out while I talked about science stuff like this "what else can you make" I smile and walk to my storage closet of tinker toys I have "woah! Mr. Stark this is awesome" he picks up some of them to inspect them "wanna tinker with some with me" he turns and smiles "yes!". The kid and I were tinkering with stuff for hours before I looked at the time "need me to drive you home or are you going to swing" he gets up "I can swing" I nod "you sure?" he nods again "yeah, thanks Mr. Stark" he waves and leaves me in my lab.

I sigh and jump up when Stephen was watching in the doorway "hey.." I lean against my desk "hey" he walks over "I wanted to see if you were ok" I nod "yeah fine" he sighs "Tony, you haven't slept since I left and you've barely eaten anything". I shrug "why would you care" he grabs my hand "i'm sorry I said those things to you, I didn't mean that I wouldn't be there" he cupped my cheek and made me face him "I will always be there when you need me, and I will always be there when you try to get yourself killed". Both of us laugh at his small joke "I thought you weren't coming back" I mumbled this and blushed when he smirked "did you really think I could stay away forever". I shrugged and laughed it off "just thought that you weren't going to come back, I thought we were over" he nods "I did too, but we're not right?" he has hope in his eyes "no we're not over" he smiles and leans forward to give me a kiss.


AN: hope you liked the second chapter, I personally don't know which chapter I liked better but I guess no one really likes their first chapters.

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