Meeting Shenanigans~ Ironstrange

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AN: I felt like this was an appropriate name for this one, it was inspired by the art above. This is also going to be a fairly short chapter.



I know that me and Stephen have been flirting trying to see who would back down first, but I have only been trying not to catch feelings for the sorcerer "Tony are you listening" I sighed and nodded at Steve's question. He continues on talking about who knows what while Stephen was sitting on my right with his hand just above my knee, I bounce my knee as a nervous habit and he sent a quick questioning look before understanding and let me bounce my knee. It was a long ass meeting, but in the middle of it Stephen moved his hand up higher on my thigh "Tony!" I face Steve "what?" he rubs his eyes "pay attention" I wave him off and he gives up on making me listen to just continue the meeting.

I send a glare towards Stephen "hm?" it was at a point where everyone was distracted so I flipped him off, but he responded in moving his hand a bit higher "alright we're almost finished up here". We were not almost finished and by the time we were Stephen's fingers were grazing my member "dismissed" I stood making Stephen's hand fall on my thigh and stormed out, but not before hearing "what's up with him" Clint was asking Natasha and I didn't care to stay and listen. I heard Stephen trying not to laugh behind me when he pushed my back to the wall, trapping me between him and the cold bricks on my back "I saw that blush on your face before you left".

I got an idea and trailed my hand down his chest "are you sure~?" I stopped before I got too far down and leaned back on the wall with my arms crossed, I thought I had him until his body was pressed against mine and he was whispering in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine as he was whispering "I could try again to make sure" his hand was dangerously close to the red zone and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I grabbed hold of his robes while his cloak left to give us privacy "that suit is getting on my nerves" a portal opened behind me and I was pushed through into a room I didn't care to recognize "Tony, this wasn't just a game was it" I shrug "do you want it to be" he shook his hand "good me neither".

I pulled his head down and smashed our lips together while I was lifted and sat on a table, I opened my eyes when he pulled back and recognized it as my lab "was this the place on your mind". He nods "well, it's probably the one place nobody will walk into" I laugh "FRIDAY lock the door and make sure nobody can see inside or get in" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull him down with me "To-" I cut him off with a kiss. His hands start unbuttoning my white button up shirt and traveling up my stomach "" I tried to tell him to move his hips for some friction, but I couldn't get it out so I just rolled my hips against him earning a groan from him.

I helped him unbutton by shirt since I could feel him starting to get frustrated with his hands "mm" I whine a little at him breaking the kiss, but his lips travel to my neck and after a couple minutes of kissing on my neck he bit down softly. I leaned my head back "fu-ck" it took me by surprise and the friction he was creating was driving me crazy, I was to the point I had my legs wrapped around his mid section and crossed at the ankles. Both of us jump when a knock sounded at the door, I hold my fingers to my lip and wait until I got the clear from FRIDAY "Mr. Stark, if you're hiding i'm sorry to bother you but...i'm in trouble and need you". I sigh and sit up along with Stephen "hang on kid" I kiss Stephen goodbye while buttoning up my shirt, before he leaves he smacks my behind "see you later" I flip him off as he walks through a portal "hey kid what's up" I opened the door and let Peter in.


AN: I like this chapter :)

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