Targets~ Ironhawk

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AN: Literally love Tony and Clint together.


Of all the nights I could be given a target, tonight was the night. I huffed as I got on my motorcycle. Fury said he had backup in case I crash again. That was a given. I always ended up crashing my bike. I alsways had to get a new one though. I had a personal one that I didn't take on missions, so it was fine. I sped off to some meeting, and spotted my getaway car not far away. I nodded to whoever was inside and gained speed. I was heard from a mile away. In my defence. I had an issue slowing down on this bike. For some reason, it was hard to do. My tires screeched as I came to a halt and I lowered my head in deafeat. My face was covered by the helmet, but they knew who I was. I pulled my pistol out and shot several times. I started going again and circled them, trying to find my target. The others were just collateral damage. I winced as a shot went into the bone of my shoulder. I pulled it out quickly and didn't really care about the blood at this point. 

I found my target and pulled out my bow. I pulled back an arrow and hit him between the eyes. It was like being in a shark tank after that. I sped off, but slid to the side to take out a couple guards. I ran towards my getaway car and dove in through the window. "Go, go, go" the car took of surprisingly fast. "You're quick for a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent" I nodded "That's why Fury sends me". I inspected the bullet wound in my shoulder after lifting the front of the helmet. "Damn, I didn't think it would be that bad" he glanced over. "Looks like it hurts" I shrugged and pulled a piece of cloth out of my jacket. I wrapped my shoulder and pulled the helmet off. His gaze lingered on me before he focused back on the road. He was still speeding since we had a couple stragglers following us. I stuck my head out the window and fired a couple shots. I took down the people on the motorcycles, but pulled out my explosive arrow to blow up the truck. I smiled as the truck exploded and flipped behind us. It caused a road block, so they couldn't follow us easily. 


Fury told me to get him out and drive him back to my tower. I was only told a name. It wasn't even his first name, only Agent Barton. He pulled his helmet off and I was completely drawn to him. He was absolutely stunning. It made me wonder how he ended up as an agent. I wanted to know how old he was, what his favorite color was, food he likes to eat, what he does in his free time, everything. He twisted and shot arrows with so much precision. He slumped into his seat after and started messing with the bow. I slowed after a while and he relaxed. We finally made it to the tower after 2 hours of silence. He didn't talk much, but that only made me more curious. I was basically going to explode with questions soon. I knew that he would avoid the questions since he was an agent after all. Nobody was supposed to know anything about them besides Fury. Naturally, I went to Fury. The next day, he was gone, so I went to his office. Fury was waiting at his desk and shook his head "No I will not be answering any questions about Agent Barton. He has made it clear to me that his past is not something I am allowed to discuss".

I huffed "You're just gonna let him tell you what to do?". He sent me a glare "Agent Barton has a" he stumbled "Messy past. He doesn't like talking about it, and he certainly doesn't like people knowing about it". I sat in the chair in front of his desk "This is only making me more intrigued". He sighed as I sat down and crossed his arms. "Tony, there are very few things I am allowed to disclose to you. These will only make you more curious, then you will be bothering one of my agents" I stared at him intently. He sighed "Clint's actual age is unknown, but I believe he's around 22 or 23". This really peaked my interest, but I let him continue "He has perfect aim, his best friend is Natasha Romanoff, and he likes purple. Now leave my office" . I nodded and stood "Thanks Fury". I was leaving and he called after me "Do not go pester my agent". I sent a thumbs up even though I was definitely going to go bother Clint. 

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