Haircuts~ Stucky

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AN: I don't know where this one even came from, have fun with this train wreck. This is also going to be very short. 



I was tired of the long hair and it needed to get chopped off, so I had Tony give me a haircut "you sure about me giving you a haircut" I shrugged "better than having the long hair" he nods "alright then". It didn't take him long to finish the haircut for me and then he waved me out of the lab "I have work to do" I nod "thank for the haircut" he nods "yeah, yeah" I head up to my room and take a shower since he did have greasy ass hands. I walk down to the kitchen with sweatpants, no shirt, and a towel around my shoulder that I was still drying my hair with "um excuse me?" I turn around "Bucky?" I smile at Steve "hey" he leans against the wall "new haircut huh" I nod "yeah, like it". He walks forward and wraps his arms around me "love it" I smile at up at him "still weird having you taller than me" he laughs "still weird having you shorter, but as amazing as I love this outfit on you, you need to get dressed i'm taking you grocery shopping with me". 

I groan "whyy" he lets me go "because I don't wanna go alone" I walk out of the kitchen "i'll be back in a minute" I change into a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket "I like this outfit too" I roll my eyes "dumb flirt". We walk out and get into the car "where to" he shrugs "Westside Market" I nod and he heads there "people are going to basically attack you" he nods "maybe we can avoid them" I decided to let him live in denial. He tried sneaking past a group of people, but they saw him "Captain America!" I laugh as he sighs "meet you inside" he nods and I walk in grabbing a buggy, then start on the list. I was well aware of the stares when Steve walked back over "hey" I smile "hey, how far did you get on the list" I show him that I was a forth of the way done "alright, let's get it done". The women and men staring at me throughout the store was making me really uncomfortable, I was so used not being ignored and pushed to the back that now that people were staring it was effecting me.


I could see everyone staring at Buck and noticed him being uncomfortable about it, so I really wanted to say something but knew it would only make him more uncomfortable "hey Steve?" I hum "yeah?" he nods towards some guy with a hood over his head. I nod again "yeah, alright" I move him to the other side of me to put a buffer between him and that guy "come on, lets finish up and go home, i'm ready to lay in bed" I nod "me too Buck". We walk up to the register and I pay before he could notice "hey, that was unfair" I shrug "too bad" he glares playfully "i'll get you back for that" I smile "uh-huh, right" he shrugs "you'll see" we walk back to the car and load up the groceries.


I was loading water into the car when I saw Steve staring at me and smiling "what" he holds up a bottle of Root Beer and a 3 Musketeer bar "you sneaky son of a bitch" he hands them to me "I got a bag of Jerky and a Coke too". I get into the car with him "you ok?" I nod "yeah why" he nodded to the store "you looked really uncomfortable" I shrug "it's fine, comes with walking around with Captain America". He nods still looking unsure and starts driving back "you know you could tell me right" I knew that I could tell him, but I wanted to wait until we at least got home "I know" I smile at him and he smiles back. When we get home, we make everyone help us bring the bags in "I got everything in here guys" I nod at Natasha "thanks" she nods and I walk upstairs to Steve and I's room. I find him in there looking out the window and walk over to him "hey" he wraps an arm around my waist when I speak up "hey" I lean my head on his shoulder "you wanna tell me now" I nod "sure". I glance up at him before looking back out the window "i'm not used to the stares, I didn't get them with the long hair because people thought I was weird for it, but now with the short hair it's like everyone has decided that i'm fair game to stare at and judge for walking around with you". 

He nods "but what does it matter" I shrug "just makes me uncomfortable when they sit there and stare at me like i'm trash compared to you" he rubs my back "it'll pass Buck, they'll stop staring when they get tired or realize that they aren't everything". I nod "I know" he wraps his other arm around me and turns so his back was on the window "everything will be fine" I wrap my arms around his neck while his were around my waist "I wish things were different Buck, I wish people didn't treat you like this". After our discussion we decided to lay in bed all day and watch movies "what time are you getting up in the morning" he always decides to get up at different times every week depending on how he feels. He shrugs "decided to stick with 5am, weather is best at that time" I nod and he pulls my back closer to his chest "going to bed?" he nods "yeah, you?" I shrug "sure" I roll in his arms so i'm facing him "before you go to sleep do you really think people will stop" he nods "I know they will" then we fell asleep.

When I woke up the bed was empty like normal and I went down the stairs getting compliments on my hair on the way "hey" Steve was in the kitchen "hey, wanna come with me to do something" I shrug "depends on what it is". He smiles "a surprise" I nod "when" he looks at the clock "two hours, but we have to leave in an hour and 15 minutes" I talk while walking into the living room "alright". After an hour I got a black shirt, leather jacket, and black jeans "matching today?" I nod "yeah I guess" he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the building "I thought we were keeping the relationship low" he nods "we are, just nobody around". He pulls me to the car and looked like he was about to burst with excitement "what are you so happy about" he shrugs "just happy today, nothing has gone wrong" something was different about him today, like he made the best decision of his life.

We pull into this festival area "a surprise date?" he nods "yeah" we get out of the car and were immediately allowed in "nice" I nod in approval and he smiles "ready? I got the passes that allow us to skip the lines". My smile got impossibly bigger "I love it" and we were off to ride all the rides, which I am proud to say we did "ready for your last surprise" I nod confused "come with me" he drags me to the stage where everything was filmed on T.V. live. He smiles "hi, so I knew if I showed up, someone would post and the news would show up so here I am" I let my brows furrow "a lot of questions have arose about Bucky here, and I wanted to clear some of that up". He turns to me and wraps his arms around my waist before kissing me quickly "Steve.." people were cheering all over and I smiled awkwardly before stepping behind Steve slightly "thank you for listening" he pulls me off the stage and we head home "thanks for not freaking out and kneeing me in the balls" I smile "maybe next time".


AN: I know I kind of bent Bucky's character a little and I will make that up in the next chapter that he's in.

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