Sleep~ Hawksilver

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AN: just roll with this story I started it with no ideas and went with it. Laura doesn't exist, no matte how much I love her. I also moved Clint's age of being in the circus from 6-15 to 9-17



The tower had been a nightmare since we brought the twins and starting trying to settle in, but what didn't help was Pietro somehow being a hyper 5 year old in the middle of me moving shit in and out of my room. I had a box of old archery awards that I took from my old storage unit, I sold the other stuff that didn't mean anything like furniture, antiques, and old clothes that were donated. I was walking through the living room with my headphones on, mostly since last time Nat yelled at me for blasting music through the tower "shit!" my headphones were knocked off and the box was thrown to the floor. I groan "damn kid" I bent down and grabbed my headphones "sorry old man" I glare at him and he picks up the box for me "honestly didn't see you" he hands me the box "right, just watch out next time" he nods and picks up an award that fell out. 

He reads it "you've been doing archery for a long time huh" I nod and grab it "since I was 5" I place the medal back in the box "Pietro!" he grimaces "that's my leave" he speeds off and his sister comes through "where the hell did he go". I point to the door "probably to the lab" she storms off after him and I put my headphones back on, at least until one was pulled off my ear "boo" I jump "Nat!" she smiles and I pull them back on flipping her off. She waves and I walk through my door placing the box on my bed then walking back out to go get a box of old stuff that meant something to me, a lot of them were photos of me and my mother. I grabbed it out of my car but when I kicked the door open a picture fell off the bottom of the box "Clint?" I look up when I heard my name in the between of the songs "what?" I pull the headphones off "did you see Pietro run through here" I shake my head "no". Wanda nods "need any help" I shake my head again "no, this is the last one" she picks up the picture "cute" I smile at the picture "thanks, really old though" she hands it to me "see you later" I nod and she leaves. 

The picture was before my dad was getting drunk and cheating on my mother, I was like 1 and a half and we had just bought a new house, we were all three standing in front of it and I was holding onto both my parents hands. I put it in the box and head back up the stairs without putting my headphones on "i'm sorry!" I pause when Pietro shows up in front of me "no you're not" Wanda was behind me "what did you do" he shrugs and they run circles around me. I flipped Natasha off when she walked around the corner and saw this "alright kids, leave your grandpa alone" I roll my eyes and walk away "this is why you're single Nat" I laugh as she smacks my arm "those comments are why you're single".

-a couple weeks later-

Thing's were finally setting down in the tower and people were getting more relaxed, however I was only somewhat relaxed in the vents of the tower "Clint! where are you" I was avoiding Steve because he was stressing everyone out. He was really into getting everyone to bond and keep areas clean, but I was not ready to bond with everyone nor was I prepared to start cleaning up my room. I was barely even unpacked and had like 10,000 things to do for S.H.I.E.l.D. "your room is atrocious" I roll my eyes continuing to fiddle with arrows until I heard everyone gathering in the living room below me "what's going on, why are you yelling". Tony seemed annoyed and I bet he was covered in grease "I can't find Clint, and his room is horrid, he refuses to clean it" I heard Tony laugh "have you seen my lab, I refuse to clean that too, let him be". I could basically see Tony shrug it off "listen, Steve, Clint didn't have anyone to tell him to clean his room when he was younger, he's not used to it and is reacting like teens do when you tell them to do something".

Natasha was trying to reason with him "his parents divorced when he was very young, he didn't grow up in a stable home, give him some slack ok he's adjusting to change and he hates change so it's rough". I could see her place a hand on Steve's shoulder "alright, I get it, on another note how the hell does he disappear" I smiled to myself and curse when my phone rings, I drop from the vents "damn Fury blowing my cover". I saw surprised and amused looks all around the room "i'll get you back for that later Nat" I answer the phone "Agent Barton speaking" I heard laughter before Fury yells and I pull the phone away from my ear "one more time and i'll shoot all of you". I saw Nat crack a smile "well I won't say that i'm speaking next time" I heard him sigh "not now Barton we're swamped, Agent hill will drop off some files for you, I know you're busy with Avengers so double task". He hangs up and I sigh "I hate him" Agent Hill speaks up from behind me, but I knew she was in here so it didn't matter "i'll be sure to let him know" I nod "this is like the 5th batch of files what the hell is going on up there". 

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