Rage~ Winterhawk

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AN: I don't know, just felt like it


I put my fist through the wall after I got off the phone. Nat opened my door as I held my bleeding fist and leaned against the wall. She walked over and and pushed me to sit before sitting next to me. "Give me your hand" I looked to the side and showed her the hand I put through the wall. "Gotta stop doing this Clint" I shrugged and pulled my hand back. "I know you're in a pissy mood, but do not take it out on me. I will shoot you and feel no sympathy" I cracked and smile and shook my head. "I get it" she smiled and stood "Come on, we're going to do something fun". She pulled me up by my bloodied fist and paused "We're gonna wrap that up first". I left the house in blue jeans, an avenged sevenfold shirt, and a leather jacket with my hand wrapped in gauze. She drove us to a frat party a couple miles from our apartment. We both are in the college, which I probably should have elaborated on. 

We walked in and all eyes went to my hand when I walked past. I often had a bandaged hand from bar fights. It was known throughout the college that I had an issue going to bars. Nat often avoided them unless impossible. I walked through the party, avoiding people. These parties were always the same, except for one thing. Usually it was the same people, the same crappy music, the same crappy alcohol, and the same terrible drunk dancing. This time though, one group stood out to me. It was Tony Stark's group, who was dating Steve, and they were known to stay away from these types of things. One guy always caught my eye. His name was James Barnes, but he went by Bucky. S.H.I.E.L.D. had the resources for me to figure out some interesting things about Bucky. He lost his arm in a train crash a couple years ago and got a metal arm to replace it. He wears gloves to hide it. 

I glanced at him and analyzed the group. None of them looked like they wanted to be here, so why were they here? I ignored it to not look suspicious and Nat brought me a drink "Here". I opened the single serve margarita and downed it. I didn't get an affect from the drink, but everyone else seemed to have a lot of these. There wasn't much alcohol in the drink, but after drinking a lot of them, you could definitely get wasted. I settled with one before grabbing a bottle of water. "Why are we here?" Nat shrugs and took a drink of her margarita "Because the love of your life is". I rolled my eyes "Ha ha, you're hilarious" she smiled and shrugged "I know". She pulled me to be standing closer to the group, but played it off. I glanced at Bucky out of the corner of my eye. "Stop or you will be seen" I bumped her with my shoulder "The love of your life is also here". 

She shoved me slightly "Well, since i'm not a pussy. I'm gonna go dance with her. Have fun standing by yourself". I flipped her off as she left while she smiled brightly. She went over to Wanda and was dancing with her within minutes. I shook my head and pulled out my phone. I was scrolling mindlessly for a while before I was approached. This girl was drunk and way too far gone to be thinking clearly. "Hey hot stuff. Why don't you come with me and we can have some fun" I lowered my phone and shook my head. "Sorry, i'm gay" she huffed and walked away. I shook my head and went back to scrolling. Another guy came over and shoved me "You think it's funny to grope other girls?". I dropped my phone when he shoved me, which was open to my photo album that I was going through. I glared as the picture of my brother and I displayed on the screen. I picked it up calmly while he laughed "That your boyfriend?". 

I put my phone in my pocket and shook my head "It's my brother". I threw a punch that went clean across his jaw. He dropped like a ton of bricks, out cold. I unwrapped my hand as the scabs popped open. His friend soon followed him and tried to land a punch. I grabbed him by the front of the shirt and took him with me as I fell. I hit my head on the corner of a desk, but I ignored it as I landed hit after hit on him. It was a frenzy after that. I pulled my hand out of the grip of someone who tried to stop me. I was in a blind rage. I only stopped when a familiar cold hand grabbed my wrist and touched my shoulder. Nat shook her head and pulled me up by my shirt. Others went to the guys' sides, trying to get them up. She pulled me out of the house and down the street to her car. She pushed me into the side of the car and crossed her arms. "What the hell was that?" I looked at the ground and shrugged.

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