Love~ Hawksilver

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AN: Hi


Love has always seemed so strange to me. It turns you into this mindless zombie, and a slave to whoever it is you fell in love with. I ignored love, and refused it for a long time. It all changed when I met someone that saved my life:


I saw the little boy in the whole and sighed. I jogged over and made sure he wasn't hurt before picking him up and starting my way back to the helicarrier. I heard the bullet, and all I could think about was helping the boy. I put myself between the boy and the bullets. I knew the bullets would go through me, but I was hoping that it would lessen his injuries. I felt a car hit my back and pulled Pietro by the back of his shirt. He landed on his back, on top of me. The boy I was holding was pulled into my side as we waited for Ultron to pass by us. I sighed and Pietro rolled off of me and onto the ground next to me. "Why did you pull me?" I glanced at him and rolled my eyes. "You're not dying because of me kid" Steve ran over and sighed in relief. "I thought one of you died" I laughed "Come on, you know i'm invincible". He rolled his eyes "Right, now come on" he held out his hands and helped Pietro and I up. 

I picked the boy up and walked over to his mother. I handed him to her and held my side as I walked over to an empty row. I waved off the med guy and laid back on the bench "S'been a long day". I saw Pietro walk over and lay on the floor next to the bench "How's it going oldie?". I sent him a glare "Peachy" he laughs "You're grumpy". I flip him off and we traveled to S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Everyone was checked out and I was assigned to Pietro. I was going to say something to Fury, but Nat put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Nat and sent her a glare knowing she was trying to set me up. She smiled smugly at me and I looked back at Pietro "Come on kid, gotta get something from my office". He nodded and followed me through the offices. I ignored the comments coming from around the office, but Pietro heard them and gave me a confused look. I shook my head at him and we made it to my office.

I picked up a couple files and looked through them. Pietro closed the door "This may not be my business, but I know you heard them". I closed a file "Yeah, it's none of your business". I grab the ones I need out of a pile, and Pietro pushed them back down on my desk after I try to pick them up. "Kid, knock it off" he kept his hand on the files "I know for a fact that you heard it, so why don't you do anything?". I sigh "I have orders not to, unless they do something other than insult me. Now can you remove your hand?". He nods and takes his hand off "Either way, none of your business". We walk out of the office, then I close and lock the door. I turn around and get nailed in the face with a dice of all things. I saw the group that did it and handed my files to Pietro "Hold this". I picked up the dice and walked over. 

The group stopped and the guy that threw it crossed his arms and smiled "Well Clint, I see you have a pet. Blowing him too, or sticking to Fury?". I rolled my eyes "You gonna come up with original insults, or you sticking to 2005?". He went to stand up, but I put a hand on his shoulder to keep him in the chair. I stuck the dice in his mouth and put my hand over his mouth. "Swallow or I'll slit your throat" I pulled out my knife and held it to his throat. I saw him struggle for a minute before the dice went down and I uncovered his mouth. "Good" I turned to walk away and heard him stand "I'm gonna get you for this. The second you least expect it". I take my files from a surprise Pietro and turn around "I look forward to it". I solute and walk away with Pietro close behind. "Not gonna lie, that was impressive old man" I shook my head "I've done worse kid". He nods "I assumed because of how easy that seemed for you".

We both got in my car and I drove him to my apartment. Tony was having renovations done to the tower, so we all had to go somewhere else to live. Fury set Nat and I's up a while ago when we first started, so I often stayed here. The others were taken care of by Tony. I tossed my keys into the key bowl and whistled. Lucky came running around the corner and jumped up on me. He moved over to Pietro and sniffed him before he jumped on him as well. Pietro lit up "Hey fella, who's this?" I leaned against the wall "Lucky". He smiled and sat down to pet my dog "Hi Lucky, your dad is very old". I sent him a glare and he laughed. Lucky licked his face and I laughed as his tongue went into Pietro's mouth. Pietro wiped his mouth "Ew dog cooties". Lucky ran over to me and sat. I walked into the kitchen and put food in Lucky's bowl. He came running and started eating. I pet his head before I stood and walked into the living room. Pietro was looking around on my bookshelves at all the different books I had. I only brought a small part of what I had since I didn't stay here often enough. 

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