Silence~ Hawksilver

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AU: I don't know where this one came from either.....yeah:). I'm also going off the names Iryna and Olek Maximoff for Pietro and Wanda's parents. I looked it up and it said that those are they're names in WandaVision. I love that series so i'm going off of that. Just a heads up. 


Living in this world with vampires and werewolves is hard. Especially when you are one. People always are on edge around you, thinking you have bad intentions. I never had any though, which was probably the worst part about it. My family was a very powerful family, and we often had meetings with other powerful families. I was told by my older brother that we ran everything and everyone in the state of New York. If you haven't noticed, New York is a pretty large state. Along with that, we run Texas California, New Mexico, Maine, New Jersey, North and South Dakota, South Carolina, and Massachusetts. So yeah, we were a pretty powerful family. We were currently going after other states which isn't going to be hard for my family. 

We are a family of werewolves. I'm a beta, my mom, brother, and father are all alphas. I was out-casted immediately. My mom died when I was 2, but the only one that didn't outcast me that was alive was my brother. The rest of my family, including extended, treated me like crap. Moving on from that, I had to attend all of the meetings. I wasn't allowed to speak unless a question that couldn't be answered by a head movement was directed towards me. No questions usually were since everyone and their dog knew that I was the only beta in the family, meaning that no one was interested in what I had to say. Except Barney, he always had something to ask me to make sure I was able to say something. This would often lead to my father getting angry at him. 

The reason i'm telling you all of this is because something happened in my life that changed the way everyone lived. My father scheduled a meeting with a family of vampires. Usually vampires and werewolves would avoid each other and ignore the others existence. Obviously, this brought some attention. Well, more than the usual attention we got. We were known as a so called 'good looking family'. We got a lot of stares everywhere we went. Barney was confused by this and had asked out father why, he said it's because he had acquired 38 of the 50 states of the United States and we were officially the most powerful werewolf family. The vampire family we were meeting with was the most powerful vampire family and shared ownership of a lot of the states we controlled. Therefore, we needed to be on the same page as the vampires. Additional information is that they were from Sokovia. Let's get into the point of this story.

-the day of the meeting-

I was not looking forward to this stupid meeting today. I know it's petty, but I don't even want to meet these people. I was pouting in Barney and I's room when my father called me down to greet the family at the door. The guards opened the door and the father and mother was up front. "Welcome Mr and Mrs Maximoff" they nodded and walked in followed by the twins. The guy Pietro I think his name was based on a file on them, was breathtaking. He had silver hair and icy blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. His sister was also very pretty, dark brown hair with deep green eyes. Sadly, I was gay and not very open about it. I also wasn't allowed to look at them for too long before I was given a warning to look at the floor.

"These are my boys. The eldest is Charles" Barney nodded "Nice to meet you". He then resumed with his hands behind his back and staring at the floor. "My youngest Clinton" I nodded to them before looking at the ground again quickly. "Nice to meet you both. My twins are Wanda and Pietro". I was taken aback by their accent, temporarily forgetting about where they were from. We were then instructed to follow my father to the meeting room where we stood next to our assigned seat and waited for them to get situated before we sat down. They all spoke for a while about business while I sat there in silence. Sitting next to Pietro. I was not amused the slightest by the smile on my brother's face. He was the only one who knew I was into guys, and always thought it was funny to mess with me about it. 

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