My Mission~ Ironhawk

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AN: I don't know if this is to make up for last chapter but I wanted to write another Ironhawk. Still doing bottom Clint.



I was watching the news with Nat when Tony Stark's face showed up again "he seems to always be on" Natasha leaned back on the couch while I hummed listening to him speak to press, to everyone he looked like he was having fun but I could tell he looked like he was ready to die of boredom. Nat watched me from he side of the couch "why are you staring" I turned towards her when asking "because you obviously think he's hot" I gape at her "I do not" she nods "you do, you look like you're trying to fuck him with your eyes through the T.V. screen". I shake my head "nope" she sighs "always in denial about feelings" I nod "what else am I supposed to do, he's a celebrity and can have anyone he wants, no point in it, better to push it away as best I can" she smirked and walked away.

-2 weeks later-

I looked at Fury in disbelief "why do I have to do this one, why can't Nat" he shrugs "she refused and said she had some business to take care of" I hold up a finger and call her "you sneaky little shit" I heard her laugh "that's no way to talk to the person who got you to work for your crush". I groan and hang up "she said you would react this way, I have to say this is the most worked up you have been over a mission" I scowl "she told you didn't she" he shrugs though I could see the smile "you're in on it, what is this mockery". He hands me a file "good luck Agent Barton" I sigh and walk through the office "why does Fury let a fag be his right hand man" I punch the Agent who whispered it at me and enter my office "one hell of a day". I open the file and slam my head on the desk "I start today in 2 hours!" I get up and send Fury a playful glare knowing that if I sent an actual one something sharp would be thrown.

I leave my house and get to Stark towers, I have to say Pepper was extremely nice and knew how to handle a company "sorry I don't think I asked for your name" she spoke as we headed up in an elevator "Clinton, Clinton Francis" she smiles and nods. The elevator dings and we walk out "Tony!" she calls for him "in the gym" we walk in and it took everything in me not to blush at the sight. He was boxing another guy in a ring and had on a short sleeved black shirt over a grey hooded long sleeve shirt "who's this" he leans against the ropes while taking a drink of whatever the hell was in that bottle "this is Clinton Francis, new personal intern for you". He nods "can you fight" I shrug "yeah" he waves me up "front and center" Pepper tries to stop him "Tony you're not going to actually" he nods "yes I am" I set down the paper work "it's fine Ms. Potts" she nods and sends a grateful smile for getting her out of arguing with him "sorry he's very eccentric".

He holds the rope up as I duck under it and I cross my arms watching him take another drink "what?" I shrug and he turns to the other guy "alright Happy give him a lesson" he ducks out and I walk over to the Happy guy. I was wondering if that was his real name and who in their right mind would name their kid Happy, what if they turned out to be a dick "Clinton, your name is spelled C l i n t o n F r a n c i s right" I turn "yes sir". I heard Pepper sigh "you're going to google him now" Tony nods "yes, yes I am" I turn my attention back to Happy as he was telling me stuff I learned years ago and acted like I was listening, I look back as I heard their voices raise. I saw a glove come up just inside my peripheral vision "rule number 1 never take your eye off your opponent" he went to slowly punch me as a, I don't even know i'm a guy he could literally punch me.

I grab his hand twist and sweep his feet out from under him "oh my god!" Pepper yelled and I heard Tony as well but Pepper covered up what he said, they both jumped up and I let go of his wrist "Happy!" I stand and hold a hand out "sorry" he takes it still bewildered "yeah..". I duck under the ropes as Tony rings the bell "looks like a T.K.O. to me" I face him "I need your impression" he smirks "i'm quite reserved-" I cut him off and pick up the files "I meant your finger print". He smiles and I hold the book open while he puts his finger print down "what is this for exactly" I close it after taking a picture "my agency" Fury wanted to make sure I actually went to this mission "will that be all Mr. Stark" he shakes his head "no" Pepper intervenes "yes Mr. Francis, that will be all" I nod and walk off but before I walk out I heard him "I want one" I heard Pepper next "no". 

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