Dejected~ Ironhawk

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AN: Hi, been a while. I apologize for this. I had to buckle down on an FCCLA project and rush to get it done. I may be able to write some extra shorter stories to schedule the next couple of weeks to keep you guys on your toes.    -RAPE WARNING-


When I was little, my parents gave me up to a circus they thought they could trust. In reality the ringmaster was an abusive asshole. The second I turned 14, I set the place on fire. I was tired. I'm still so tired. I'm almost 17 and i'm still being driven crazy by the memory of him. I woke up with a startle and looked around the room. It was light out and someone was banging on the door. I opened it and was met with my social worker and someone I didn't recognize. "Morning Clint" I gave my social worker a blank stare. "You're being adopted into a home" I shut the door in her face and laid on my bed facing the wall. My door slowly opened and I could hear both the guy and my social worker whispering. A weight on my bed alarmed me and I shot up. "Clint, it's time you go to a permanent home" I laid back down and ignored my social worker. "They won't allow me to house you here when you turn 18" I shrugged.

I huffed in annoyance when she wouldn't lay off. Her name is Stacy and she jumped onto my case the second I arrived. She tried questioning me when I got here, but I stayed silent. I haven't spoken to anyone besides Natasha. She's the other kid that was with me at the circus and knew about my plan to burn the place down. She escaped right as I set the fire. I wasn't lucky enough. I was trapped in the main area as the place was crumbling down around me. I passed out from inhaling too much smoke. I woke up in the hospital and surrounded by people I didn't know. I snapped back to reality when a hand touched my shoulder making me flinch. The hand retracted "I'm sorry Clint. It's the only way you won't end up on the streets". I stood quickly before grabbing my bag and sending her a glare. 

She nodded before leaving "He'll be ready soon". They left and I packed my bag quickly. I followed the mysterious guy outside to his car. My social worker caught up just as I spotted some other kids in the guy's car. She put her hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry Clint. I'm just trying to do what's best for you". I nodded before turning and getting into the passenger seat. I waved to her and she smiled before waving and going back inside. I awkwardly sat in the passenger seat while we started driving. "Alright Clint, I'm Coulson. These two in the back are Bucky and Sam. They're two of my 18 years olds still living at the house. I know you don't go to school because of your GPA, so you'll be staying in their room with one other boy. Just so you don't get woken up by the other's getting ready" I nodded while he explained everything. We eventually got to the house after an hour of driving. I got out and walked into the house on guard.

Kids were in the yard and stared at me as I was walking in. I looked down and followed the heels of the person in front of me. We eventually stopped and I looked around the nice living room. I was led up the stairs by Bucky and Sam "Tony is the other person in our room. He stays awake through all hours of the night tinkering with stuff. He's quiet, so you shouldn't be bothered by him too much". I nod as we continue walking until we get to the room. They were bunk beds, so I was going to have to sleep under someone or over someone. Steve smiled "The only bunk open is under Tony if that's ok". I nod and laid on the bed without saying anything. "We're going outside. If you need anything, just ask one of us" I nodded, letting my mind wonder. They left and I was alone again. I pulled out the phone that Natasha paid for and gave to me on my 15th birthday. I sent her a text about everything that was going on. 

She replied quickly, telling me to send her the address. I sent it and rolled to face the wall. It was half an hour before I heard the knock downstairs. I didn't make a motion until my door opened slowly. It was another guy I didn't recognize. "There's a girl at the door for you" I nodded and started my way downstairs. I wasn't even off the steps before I was basically tackled. I fell against the wall as Natasha hugged me. "Didn't think i'd see you after you went back to the foster home" she finally let me go. She dragged me outside by the arm. "Why didn't you tell me you were being adopted?" I shrug and looked around. I didn't see that anyone could hear or see me. "I didn't know. She didn't tell me until this morning" she nods and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's going to work out ok? Everything will be fine" I nod and sent her a small smile. She smiled brightly before leaving. "See you later Birdie" I waved slightly before going back into the house. I was met by Coulson "Old friend?" I nod and he smiled "Good to see you have someone by your side". I nodded again and quickly escaped upstairs. 

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