Moonlight ~Ironstrange

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AN: this was inspired by the photo above. Tony is 19 in this as mentioned. Kind of like a college AU.



I was always told what to do and who I should be, but I decided that I was tired of being told who I was "i'm done" I announced it at the dinner table with my parents "what" my father looked confused "i'm done being told who i'm supposed to be". My mother cringed sensing an argument while my father just frowned "if nobody tells you who you are then how are you supposed to find out who you are". I glared "i'll find out" he shakes his head "if I let you do that you would be in some country sleeping with every girl that catches your attention" I roll my eyes at him "don't roll your eyes boy".

I shrugged "or what" this was the day me and my father's relationship fell apart "Tony don't test my patience" that was 3 years ago, I am 19 now and still rebellious against my father "what patience" my mother stepped between us "that's enough for today". She faced me "go to sleep darling i'll see you in the morning" I nod and hug her "night mom" she smiles softly while I head upstairs. That morning my parents were found dead in their room, which was across the house "mom! dad!" I walked to their room and opened the door, I found them in pools of their own blood.

I had called the cops and their deaths were ruled as a homicide the next day "Tony!" I snap out of my trance "Nat?" she sits across from me "are you okay?" I nod "yeah i'm fine" she nodded and didn't pry. It was 2 months later and I was back to my normal college routine "we got a new student the other day" I shrug "they got accepted into our group" I nod "ok, I have to go though" they nod and I walk away from them. It wasn't until I was in the halls alone did I notice that Bruce had followed me "hey Tony how are you, and don't say you're fine I know you're now, and don't make me have to find Rhodey" I hated him sometimes. Not seriously but still "it's quiet" he nods "lemme guess, fight that night" I nod "yeah" I felt regret creeping up, but I pushed it down hoping not to have an attack at school.

Rhodey walked up "hey Tony" I had already told him everything about that night that afternoon, he had come over after hearing what happened "I don't feel safe in that house anymore, whoever did this avoided me on purpose and I was left to sit in the guilt for 3 years of fighting". I ignored their looks of pity and walked home seeing as I was done for the day "hey Tony" I wave to my neighbor who had a sympathetic smile on his face. I sigh and throw everything by the door before going into the lab to start tinkering with things "hello Tony" I sigh "hey FRIDAY what's the code for the alcohol cabinet". I knew FRIDAY would try to deny, but I was in charge now "sir I was instructed by your father not to allow you in the cabinet when you were like this" I sigh "FRIDAY he isn't in charge anymore, code now" the AI read me the code and I drank.


I was told to follow my new group to an expensive looking house "he's going to kill us when he sees that we're here" Clint was nervous about this "yeah, but it's worse to leave him alone like this, his father can't put the child lock on the liquor cabinet and his mother can't calm him down" Natasha reasoned. We walk up to the house and they enter without knocking "what happened here anyway" everyone got a little awkward "well his parents were killed here 2 months ago, it's still a sore subject, don't bring his parents up". I nod and instantly felt bad for the guy "wait do you hear it" we all were listening intently and heard music coming from downstairs "I knew he was in his lab" Natasha walks down the steps and we all hear an AI voice "welcome password is needed to enter".

Natasha repeats a code "hello Natasha would you like me to let Tony know that you're here" she sighed "no we're heading to see him now, how bad is he" there was silence for a minute "he's gone through 2 bottles, both were wine". Natasha sighs "at least it's not like last time, he drank 5 bottles of whiskey" Bruce interjects "I think he ran out last week" she nods "there's why" we all walked through these doors and we came face to face with an impressive lab with hundreds of gadgets lying around. Rhodey taps his shoulder and he jump forward turning around as quickly as possible, I saw the panic in his eyes subside as he realizes it was us "who's he" he motions towards me and turns back around.

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