Knight in Shining Armor~ Ironhawk

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AN: I just thought of this while writing the last chapter and though it would be cool to write. Clint is the prince and Tony is the knight.


My father has always been quite protective of me. My brother was the heir and I was different. He always had a guard next to me. My last one hurt me. A lot. He would often hit me and take all his anger out on me when he was supposed to be standing watch outside my door. My father caught him and had him beheaded. My new one was actually kind of hot. He had brown hair and whiskey eyes. He was kind and always made sure I was ok. Today he had to leave to go pick up his son Peter. He loved him a lot and told me stories about him. His ex-wife and him split on good terms. They both agreed they would be better off with different people. I was left alone today. My father had told me to be careful today since Tony wasn't around. I guess I wasn't that careful though.

I left my room to go down to the training area to work on my shooting some more. I was getting my gear on and picking out arrows. I thought something felt off in the room, like something was going to happen. I stood and was about to turn around when I was pinned to the lockers in front of me. My cheek was pressed against the cold metal of the locker. I knew there was at least three people holding me down. Two hands were holding down each of my hands, a hand was pressing against the back of my head, and another was pressing against the back of my neck. I winced as the person's nails were digging into the back of my neck. "Where's your guard dog prince?" I didn't answer, so he smashed my head into the lockers. "Answer me when I ask you a question" I scoffed "Of course it's you Mason, get tired of messing with the knew people or did you already chase them off with the stick in your ass? Sorry I forgot it's got lost from how far it's shoved up there". 

He made the others let go and flipped me to knee me in the stomach. I groaned and held my stomach at the stinging pain. I leaned against the lockers again and laughed "What are you laughing at?". I put my hands on his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach, then brought my knee up again to meet his face. He fell back and the guy to my right pushed me, while the one to my left stuck his foot out and made me trip. I closed my eyes as my head hit the cement floor. I was met to a punch in the face when I opened my eyes. After I registered it, I swept the guy off of his feet and stood before kicking him in the face. The other guy tackled me and held me down with a knife to my throat. The other guy eventually got up, but Mason was still knocked out of the ground. I winced at the knife nicked my throat. They both laughed as blood trickled out of both my nose and neck, making a puddle on the floor. As soon as the guy that was on me was distracted, I knocked the knife out of his hand and punched him in the throat.

He held his neck and I moved out from under him. The other guy caught me off guard with a bat from who knows where. He got me across my face, and I fell back as blood flew out of my mouth. I heard the door open before a bunch of yelling. I coughed and blood flew up and back onto my face. I knew a bruise was forming on my face as well as my stomach. I saw someone lean over me and recognized Tony. I felt a small smile start to form "Better late than never huh?" he shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Sarcastic asshole" he lifted my chin and saw the cut on my neck. "Your dad and brother were informed and is on his way back. Will probably be a while though" I nodded and tried to sit up, but the pain in my stomach prevented me. I laid back down and held my rib which was throbbing. "Move your hands" I did as he said and he lifted my shirt to see the forming bruise. 

"Tell me which on hurts alright?" he started pressing around on my ribs. I stiffened and shifted when he barely touched the one that hurt. He nodded "Alright, I think it's broken". I huffed "Thanks, I didn't notice from the immense pain shooting from there into my entire body". He rolled his eyes again, then pulled out a rag from nowhere. "Do you just carry a rag with you?" he nods. "Yep, in case I get blood in my eyes. I am literally sworn to protect you and fight people, so it comes in handy" I shrug and wince at the pain in my stomach. "Try not to move" I nod and let out a shaky breath. He starts wiping the blood off of the left side of my face. He puts a finger under my chin and turns my head so he could see the right side of my face, and leaned down to wipe the blood off that side. I could feel his breath hit my cheek and studied his face since he was this close. He glanced at me before going back to wiping. He grazed over the bruise and I turned away from the rag, letting a look of pain cross my face. 

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