Knife~ Ironhawk

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AN: I came up with this on the spot and i'm about to go to work, so i'm probably going to forget about what I was going to write. 


I was in my office working on some paperwork when Fury sent Nat for me. I stood and followed her to Fury's office. He handed me a file "This is being transferred to you. Romanoff has a different assignment". I looked at the file and saw Tony Stark in bold letters "Tony Stark?". Nat smiled to herself and Fury nods "Yes, he has a meeting with someone and you're being sent to protect him. You are to follow him and have him in your eyesight at all times". So I was basically a bodyguard for the hottest guy i've ever seen. I noticed it was being held at a casual party, so I at least didn't have to wear a suit. I walked to my office and cleaned everything up before going to my apartment. I had to get ready to meet with Tony before the party. I took a quick shower before getting a black shirt, black jeans, and a black jacket on. 

I had to wear all black as directed by Fury. I left and met with Fury outside of Stark tower. He led me through the building and up to the penthouse where Tony lived. We made it up and his receptionist from downstairs led us down to the workshop. Tony was under a car working on it with ACDC blaring through the workshop. Ms Potts instructed his AI, which was named Jarvis, to turn down the music. "Tony come on we have guests" he rolled out from under the car and was covered in oil. He tossed his wrench to the side and stood up. He had an ACDC shirt, jeans, and black sneakers on. "Hey sorry, wasn't watching the time Pepper" she sighed "You know Fury already. This is going to be your personal body guard at the party". He nodded and stuck his hand out for me to shake "Tony Stark". I shook his hand "Clint Barton" I pulled my hand away and oil was on my hand. 

"Shoot sorry" he handed me the rag that was around his neck "S'fine. I've had worse on my hand". I work on cars a lot, so i'm no stranger to the oil. I wiped my hand off and handed the rag back to him. He was taller than me by about 6 inches. I only knew this because his height was listed in the file. They spoke about the party and what was going to happen there while I leaned against the wall and zoned out. "Alright, i'm going to get ready for this thing and we can leave" I nod and he went upstairs to take a shower. Fury patted my shoulder after the others left and we were heading up to the common room "Try not to fall in love". I sent him a glare "Nat told you?" he nods "Of course. why else would I put you on this assignment". I shook my head "You two are ridiculous" we got upstairs and he left me to wait in the common room by myself. 

I leaned against the wall by one of the windows and looked outside while I waited for Tony. I heard him come downstairs and looked over to see him in a black pair of jeans and no shirt. "I left my phone downstairs" he went do and I looked back out the window. He came back through and went upstairs. I was still surprised about how hot he looks after he gets out of the shower. He came back down in a plain white shirt and a leather jacket. His hair was neat and it looked like he wasn't even working on a car 30 minutes ago. I followed him out and down to his car. He drove us to the party, making small conversation on the way. We pulled up and I sighed. It looked like a usual high school party. It didn't look like a business party at all. We got out and I followed him as he walked through to the second floor of the house and back to the farthest room. There were two guards outside the door and they let both of us past immediately. 

We walked in and I saw a guy at a desk with at least 7 guards in here. I analyzed each of them, finding weak points. I held my arms behind my back to make it seems like I was inexperienced. I didn't want to give away any of my moves yet. Tony sat down and I stood behind him to his right. They spoke about something I wasn't interested in. Some guy named Obadiah Stane, who was supposedly dealing under the table. They seemed to be getting into an argument about it and Tony stood. Guards stepped forward and I had my guard up. I looked around analyzing who was going to try and attack first. The other guy stood as well, and I stepped forward to stand next to the chair. This made all the guards step forward. They were in a serious argument about it. Until a guard got cocky and tried attacking me. I easily deflected his punch and slammed his head into the table, knocking him out instantly. All conversation stopped, and everyone was staring at me in surprise. Even Tony was staring in surprise. The guy sighed "I suppose he deserved that for attacking".

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