Drinks~ Winterhawk

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AN: This was half thought up. Enjoy


Natasha ran a bar. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. My father left when I was young, so my mother raised me and introduced me to a friend of hers when I was 6. That was Nat's mom. We've been inseparable ever since. I walked in and sat at my usual spot. "Hey Nat" she smiled at me and walked over. Bartenders were walking around her as she leaned against the counter. "Hey Clint, how're you. Feels like it has been forever since we spoke" it's been about a month since i've been here. Fury has been working me a lot, so I haven't been able to make it. "Yeah, Fury dropped a lot of assignments on me for the past month" she nods "Well, since you're here". I groaned knowing that this was going to be bad "There's a guy that's been coming here with his friends. His friends asked about gay people in the bar because they were trying to wing man him". 

I had my heart broken a lot, so Nat was trying to help me. "Is he here?" she points to a group. I could tell who she was talking about because the other two were all over each other. "Tony and Steve and the ones dating, and Bucky is the single one" I nod "Uh-huh, and what makes you think I want to date". She smiled "Because I know you, and I know that you think he's hot". She winked and walked away. I glanced at the Bucky guy again. He was hot, i'm not gonna lie. He had dark brown, short hair, one glove for some reason, leather jacket, white shirt, a necklace that entered his shirt, blue eyes, and a very toned face which told me that he was probably capable of taking someone down on his own. 

I saw Nat walk over to them and took out my phone. I nodded to the bartender that gave me my usual and was sipping on it while scrolling through an online file of my next assignment. I got drinks on the house because I was friends with Nat, and I helped her get the place cleaned up and started. I glanced up when she leaned on the table in front of me. "I told him you're gay" I choked on my drink a little when she said that. I coughed and put my head down on my arm before looking at her in surprise "You did what?". She laughed "I told him you're gay" I shook my head "Ridiculous". She rolled her eyes "Come on Clint. I know you've had your fair share of heartbreaks, but he's nice". I put my phone away and downed the rest of my drink "That's what you said last time, and I ended up in the ER".

My last relationship was very abusive. Physically and mentally. He thought I was cheating on him because of my job. He started ridiculing me, and hitting me when I returned home. He knew I was tired and vulnerable when I got home, and knew that the insults would go to my head. One night, I had been gone longer than usual. Fury sent me on an assignment and I ended up getting a little hurt, so he had Banner check out my injuries. When I got back, he was waiting. It was a huge screaming match and I fought back against him. Leaving out hours of yelling and fighting, he hit me over the back of the head with a lamp. The cops were called because of the commotion and I was sent to the hospital immediately. I was out of work for 3 weeks and couldn't walk in a straight line for 4 months. 

"I've apologized a million times for that. Looking back now, I see the red flags" I nod. "Looking at him, he could take me down just like the other guy did. I just don't think i'm cut out to date" she sighs. "Alright, I get it. Just try to stop thinking about that okay?" we recently found out that my ex was released from prison on good behavior. I was more on edge than normal, and Nat could tell. She brought me another drink and hit the side of my head lightly. I swatted her hand away and she went to go to the group again. She came back over afterwards "Need a ride home? I can drive you". I nod "Yeah, thanks" she hums "Alright". I stayed after and helped clean up a little. She drove me to my house and I got inside fine. I wasn't able to go back for a couple weeks. I finally found time to drop by. Nat had also only gone back a couple days ago, and worked tonight. 

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