Fence~ Winterhawk

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AN: Really like the whole next door neighbors thing.


I shoved as hard as I could, but still ended up on the ground. The Ringmaster threw a beer bottle next to me on the floor. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt and held me against the wall "You will do as I say". I pushed his hands off of me. He scowled "It's your fault we're on the run" he threw a punch and I felt something in my cheekbone crack. I fell onto the floor again and held my cheek. I winced as I felt the bruise forming. He landed a kick on my stomach making me try to keep what little food I had down. "It's your fault that we had to kill Charles" I stood, no matter how hard it was and ran out of the tent. I ran to my RV and locked the door as I slid down it. I closed my eyes and turned my hearing aids off to avoid the pounding on my door. 

Soon it all stopped, and a very soft knock sounded on my door. I turned my hearing aids on and peeked out of the window in the door. It was a woman, who I later figured out was named Maria Hill, looking around and shooting workers. I opened the door a little and she smiled "My name's Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D. is here to help. Are you the one that called?". I nodded slowly and she nodded back "Alright, come with me. We're going to take you somewhere safe". I hesitated before following her. She put a hand on my shoulder and led me to a helicopter where 2 men wee waiting "Hello Clinton. I'm Director Fury, and this is Agent Coulson. We want to make a deal with you".

I woke in a cold sweat and let out a shaky breath. That day was both the best and worst day of my life. I got up and got a glass of water, but heard a lot of commotion outside. I went outside and saw people moving in next door while trying to joke around quietly. I lived in a large mansion for more hiding spots with my best friend Natasha. Looks like these people were all moving into the mansion next door together. It was a group with an unknown number of people. Our last neighbors moved out since we were coming in and out of the house at all hours at the day and night. Looked like it wouldn't be a problem for them since they were moving stuff in at 5 in the morning. I was spotted, but I was looking out at the view. Movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention and I noticed a blonde and brunette walking over. The blonde smiled a little "Hi, sorry if we woke you. I tried to tell them to be quiet". 

I shook my head "I was already up" he nods in understanding. "I'm Steve and this is Tony. He will be making all sorts of noise all night, but I will make sure it's kept to a minimum" I nod and drank the rest of my water "It's not a problem for me. My roommate is a hard sleeper too, so it won't be a problem for her either. See you later". They both nod and I went back inside only to have the shit scared out of me by Nat. "Jesus. Do you have to do that?" she shrugged and yawned "Fury is calling you". I curse and run up the stairs to answer my phone "Barton speaking". I heard Fury moving around on the other end "Agent, I have an assignment for you. Hill is there as we speak with the details". He hung up and I went back downstairs to see Hill. She smiled and nodded to me "Picked this one specially for you". She handed me a file before leaving. 

I got the details and got dressed into a black shirt and black jeans to blend into the shadows. Nat waved to me and I saluted her before leaving the house with my helmet and case with my bow. I put my case on the back of the bike and put my helmet on before starting it up. I was aware of the stares I was getting from my new neighbors. I glanced over discretely, seeing an extremely hot brunette that was now standing with Steve. I backed up and little before taking off towards my destination. I was breaking several speed limits that went unnoticed since Fury already alerted that he had an agent speeding to complete something important. I came to a sudden stop a couple blocks from the building and made my way over. I climbed in through the vents and traveled through them, searching for my target. This guy was a human trafficker, which Hill knew I would have no problem taking care of.

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