Insane~ Ironhawk

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AN: Yeah, hi, i'm dead. I apologize ahead of time:)


I grew up in a place that a kid shouldn't grow up in. It was a terrible neighborhood that often times got shot up. I didn't have a choice though. Every morning at 6, I had to walk down the roads to get to school. Only to come back to a beating. It didn't matter what day it was, it was always the same. Ever since my father found out I was gay. I saw he is my father, though he never was like my father. It was like living with a stranger most of the time. Sometimes he was sober and I could see my real father shining through, but he would then drink and turn into someone else. The break in a couple of years before had almost drove him to suicide. A part of my real father is always there, which is probably why he hasn't killed himself. I know my actual father would never want to hurt me or leave me with nothing, but this person he became while drinking always hurt me. I was terrified of going home, which is why I was late a lot of the time. This is also why I always got the shit kicked out of me worse.

Hiding it was easy. Even after I graduated and had a job as an assassin. They bruises were covered with make up, but everything eventually comes to an end. Even with me knowing this, I didn't expect what came next. I was gone for days for the first time. My father was not happy about this. I figured it's because the real him had to worry and was scared, so the drunk version was his anger at me for making him worry so much. I like to think that he was still somewhere in there. I came home and tried to go up the stairs without him knowing. He got pissed and threw everything he could at me before landing hit and hit on me. I was in the ICU for weeks. After being released, I was told that my dad was in an insane asylum being treated for Dissociative Identity Disorder. I visited him when I could, but it always ended badly. 

It was kept under wraps thanks to Fury, but Nat knew anyway. She could always see through me and guessed something was up. I was fine with this. Until Fury made that stupid avengers initiative. If I had never been pulled into that, I would've been fine. I had to live with them in the tower, so hiding it was a little harder than I expected. Even with him being in an asylum and away from alcohol, he was still not himself. I knew there was a slim chance, but I hoped that the alcohol cause a lot of the problem. I came back with a busted lip, which raised some questions. I ignored them and tried going to my room. Steve stopped me before I got to the stairs "Clint you can't keep pushing everyone around you away". I turned around and snapped at him "What do you know about me or anything going on in my life? You don't know shit Rogers, so stop pretending like you understand". I turned and left before a call made me stop in my tracks.

It was Fury "Agent Barton. It's happening". I sighed, knowing that my dad was almost gone. The dad I remembered. The dad who used to tuck my brother and I into bed before reading us a story. The dad who used to make funny faces at us anytime we were getting scolded by our mom. The dad that taught me how to shoot a bow and arrow. The dad who let me ride on his shoulders around the living room. The dad that I loved more than anything. He was going to be gone. I knew that the drunken part of my father that hurt me was leaving too, but I cared more about my dad. I went downstairs as Fury had texted Nat. She looked at me with a worried look before putting her arm around my shoulders "It's time to tell them". I shake my head "No Nat. I need to show them. It's easier to show them". She nods, not really understanding how that can be easier. She looked to Steve "I guess you get what you wanted".

He looked confused and a little hurt. I didn't care though. Tony looked worried, conflicted, and confused. Nat motioned for the others to follow, and took us to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s jet. I sat alone in one of the seats while Nat drove. I wrung my hand together and rested my elbows on my knees as I kept my gaze on the floor. I knew that eyes were staring into me. I could basically feel all the questions they wanted to ask me. She landed the plane and walked over to me "Ready?" I shrugged and stood. We all walked in and Rosie looked at me surprised. "You were already told?" I nod and she sighs. "I'm sorry. We haven't transferred him to a hospital, so you can still visit with him before he leaves" I nod and she lets us pass. I sat at the table and watched as my father was brought out. He was handcuffed as usual until he was sat down across from me. They too the cuffs off and posted a guard nearby, knowing about his episodes. 

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