Quick Little Shit~ Hawksilver

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AN: Again, just got back and wanted to start a million chapters to make myself feel better. The Dr Pepper might beat this to that though not gonna lie. This is going to be very short just to let you know.



When we first recruited Pietro to the avengers, we all had to program his number into our phones. I put his contact name as 'Quick Little Shit' because he got on my nerves. That was 3 years ago, and we've been dating for a few months now. I lost my phone and I really needed to find it. I had to answer calls from Fury and get all my assignment details on it. I lost it a week ago and I still cannot find it. Today I got in trouble for it and finally got out of the lecture about it an hour late. I got back to the tower and went into Pietro and I's room. I face planted on the bed next to him and his put his hand on my back. "Fury let you out really late today" I nod "Yeah, it's because of my losing my stupid phone".

He hummed and I rolled to face him "I just can't find it anywhere". He looked down at me from his sitting position on the bed. "Did you already have someone call it?" I nodded and he hummed "Where was the last place you saw it?". I concentrate on a week ago when I lost it "In here on my dresser". He got up and I followed him to search the entire area around the dresser. We looked around the room for a few hours before we both fell back onto the bed. "Ok I really think your phone is gone" I nod "Yeah definitely". I push him slightly "I blame you" he pushed me back "Why?". I push him again "Because you like to move my stuff and forget". We get into a pushing was and he ends up on top of me. I smile and get him to let his guard down before flipping us, but he was prepared and pushed me off. 

Sadly I hit my spine on the bed post before a thumb sounded on the ground. I groan and hold my back "Shit sorry Clint I didn't mean to". I nod "It's fine, I was kind of asking for it when I started pushing you". I look down below the bed searching for the thing that made the thump on the floor. "Hey call my phone again" he nodded and called my phone while looking under the bed as well. He sees it and grabs it "Found it" he reads it and I remember the contact name. "Quick Little Shit huh?" I roll my eyes and grab my phone "Shut up". He wraps his arms around my waist "Since when was I little compared to you". 

I cross my arms "Stooooooop, leave me aloooooooone". I pull out of his grip and lay on the bed with my face shoved into a pillow. "Come on i'm sorry" he lays behind me and I could hear him laughing. "No you're not" he kisses the back of my neck "I kind of am, only a little though". I laugh and roll to face him "Thank you for helping find my phone". He nods "Thank you for making an amazing nickname in your phone for me". I groan and push my face into the crook of his neck "I think it's cute ok?" I huff. He puts his arms around me "Go to bed alright, you still have work tomorrow".


AN: This is short and kind of cute, but I still don't now if I like it. MOVING ON I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THANKS FOR READING.

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