College~ Ironhawk

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AN: i'm not sure how I want this chapter to go so if it is bad and rushed i'm sorry. This is also dedicated to a friend of mine who wanted me to write it, so here it is.



I'm not dumb.

I know that by looking at me and watching me for 5 minutes I look like i'm dumb, but i'm actually pretty smart "shit.." so when I noticed the stares and the scared looks I got in the halls of my school, I figured out that they knew. Someone who I thought was my friend did some research on me and found out that I was an 'ex-assassin', that was wrong because I still am an assassin Fury just thought I should try to look normal by going to a college. The teachers knew and if I rushed out of class they knew why, but the kids now thought I was an ex-assassin "how could he even be dangerous" I sighed and turned off my hearing aids to tune out the voices around me.

All of my friends left out of fear and I was left by myself "we're going to take you out of that school ok" I nod "yeah ok" Fury left the very next day to remove me and I never had to face any of them again. Except now I was face to face with someone from that school in my new one "if it isn't the ex-assassin" I huff in annoyance and push past him "leave me alone, i'm not an ex-assassin" he grabbed my arm getting everyone's attention. He smirks "I have proof of it Clint" he pulled my hearing aids out "hey!" he pushes me into the wall and doesn't say anything "what are you doing" I wish I could hear if I sounded threatening or not, but I didn't have time to think about that as he dropped them and stomped on them. I sigh and lean my head against the wall "it took me forever to get those in purple" I close my eyes and cross my arms, at least until i'm punched in the nose "pussy" I read his lips as he said this. 

I roll my eyes "am I supposed to be afraid, you hit like a girl" I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and pull it out "this is my cue to leave" I wipe the blood of my upper lip from my nose and answer Natasha's call "hey Red, um I can't hear right now, so whatever you're saying you're going to have to text it to me". I solute Derek "what?" he looked confused, but I knew that Natasha was going to be here any second and is going to ask what happened "you're in trouble" he scoffs and I look back as everyone in the hallways looks surprised "yeah i'm in trouble too". Natasha looks pissed as she walks over and pushes me against the wall "this is getting old" she hands me the new hearing aids "what happened" I point at Derek "he crushed them, you remember him right" she scowls as he gets a look of fear on his face. 

I knew he remembered Natasha "you" she lets me go and walks over to him getting in his face while I put the new hearing aids in "you ever mess with Clint again and I swear I will rip your tongue out and shove it so far down your throat it will be coming out of your ass". He nods frantically and runs off "thanks Red" she nods "no problem birdie, how many more classes" I look at the time "my last one is in an hour" she nods "i'll go with" I shrug "wanna go to the cafe area" she nods "to your perch" I nod as well "of course who do you think I am. We walk to the cafe and climb up to the poles to perch or for her to sit "I don't know how you do that" I was in a crouched position on the pole "well I am skilled" she pushes me and I steady myself "that was rude" she shrugs.


My group and I were sitting in the corner of the cafe when my eyes landed on the most beautiful human being I have ever seen, he had dirty blonde hair, piercing blue eye, was wearing a black shirt paired with black jeans. I was staring for so long that Rhodey was snapping in my face trying to get my attention "Tony I think he's taken" I then saw a girl sitting next to him "damn" I watched them laugh together and his smile was blinding. I then heard yelling "Barton! Romanoff!" I saw both of them jump and look over, I saw a guy that was known to the media as Nick Fury "get your asses down here" both of the scramble down to the ground and jog over. I watched the guy run and shove the girl along the way "Tony don't get obsessed too soon, we don't know if he's single" I nod and watch as both the girl's and the guy's faces dropped, they both looked like little kids trying to explain something to their parent with how frantic they were.

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