Business~ Ironhawk

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AN: I don't know what I'm doing with the title, but I'm running out of words. 


I recently started going to a new coffee shop after my move. Nat moved to the city, and I went with her. We liked to live together since it made getting to work easier. The owner of the shop has only shown up once when I was there. He was incredibly hot. He had an all black suit and was taking some orders to help the baristas. Today, he came in again. I was minding my own business sitting at the chairs at the counter with Nat. "I'm just saying, you need to get out there. You're making me lonely and I have a girlfriend" I huffed in annoyance. "Nat" she cut me off "I know, I know, you have an issue with dating. That doesn't mean you can't make friends other than me" I looked back at Bucky, who was making drinks. "Bucky's my friend. We make fun of people together. Right Bucky?" he shrugged "I enjoy your company". I looked at Nat with a smart ass smile and she shoved my head. 

The door opened, and the owner walked in. His name was Tony Stark, and he owned a lot of businesses. He just visited this one a lot since his personal friends worked here for him. "Hey Steve, how we looking today?" Steve shrugged "Same as usual". Nat and I were off today, so we had no rush to get out of here. Really, she didn't, but I wanted to leave immediately. She signed to me 'What's up?'. I shrugged and took another drink of my coffee. She gasped and signed quickly 'You think he's hot don't you?'. I popped her hands "Shut up" she laughed and drank out of her drink. Bucky shook his head with a smile "You know sign?" he nodded. I elbowed Nat "Told you we'd eventually get caught". She shrugged "Not my problem" Tony looked at us and smiled "I've seen you guys in here before". I met his gaze "Some of our regulars right?" Nat nodded "Yeah, Clint has a coffee addiction". I rolled my eyes "I do not" she nods "Right, the coffee pot in your room is not part of an addiction". 

I flipped her off, making Bucky smile and shake his head "You have a death wish today". I smiled a little and Nat nodded "Everyday of his life, he has a death wish. Mouth is gonna get him in trouble one day". I stick my tongue out at her "It already has". She hit the back of my head and we both paused as my phone rang. "Hang on" I picked up the phone as I walked away "Barton". I already knew who it was by the random number "I'm stopping by the coffee shop you're at with files. I need you to fill them out by tomorrow". I nodded, knowing he could see me "Alright". The door opened after he hung up and Coulson walked in. "Sent me to give them to you" I nodded and sighed at the large stack. "Alright, thanks" he nodded "I'll try to get you an extension. He's swamped with work, Romanoff is getting her files tomorrow". I nodded and he left while I walked over to Nat. She shook her head at the stack of files "Ran your mouth again?". I huffed and crossed my arms "If you know, why do you need to ask?". She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder "How long do you have?". I let my head fall against the counter "Tomorrow" she winced "Damn". 

I nodded in defeat and stood while waving to Bucky "See ya tomorrow". He nodded to me and I left Nat in the shop by herself. It was probably not the best decision, but I was more focused on getting the files done. I walked into our house and went to my office. Both Nat and I had our own personal offices at home for working on files. I spent the entire night working. I was close to done in the morning, but I still had some more paperwork to do. I got up, tired of being in my office. I put all my files into a briefcase and went to the coffee shop. It was 6am, so Nat was still in her room. She was awake, so she knew I was leaving. I walked in and Steve smiled at me "By yourself this morning?". I nodded and slumped into one of the chairs "Have to do a breakdown of some recent cases I went over". He nods and hands me my usual "On the house. You look like you got hit by a truck on the way here". I nodded "Thanks" he smiled before going back to taking orders and working. Sam was with him today, which meant that Bucky was off today and Steve would be off tomorrow. 

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