Push Came to Shove~ Amerihawk

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AN: Idk, it just came to me:) An apology for making Steve seem awful in the last chapter. I do love him.


I knew my home life wasn't like a lot of people's, so when I moved out with my new boyfriend nobody questioned. I though everything was going to be better now that I was away from them. I didn't know how much worse it would get. I was groomed without realizing and now I was trapped. He was 6 years older and as a 16 year old, I looked up to him. Malaki was sweet when I first met him. He listened to my problems and that's where it all started. Now i'm here hiding in a locked bathroom while he was screaming outside the door. I recently turned 19 and realized what had happened to my life. How everything I thought was real between us was a lie. I tried ending it, but he wasn't happy about that.

He broke the handle to the door, and I knew I was done for. The door opened roughly and his fist made contact with my jaw. He shoved me backwards, making me fall to the floor. "You think you have a choice Clinton? You're mine and you always will be" his foot made contact with my stomach before he stormed out of the room. He went to our room and I snuck out of the front door. It was light outside and a moving van was next door. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before watching the hottest guy move stuff in. He was with others, so I didn't know which one was moving in. He was either the one moving in or friends with whoever was moving in. Both meaning I would be seeing him more. I finished the cigarette before a familiar car pulled up. A car I hadn't seen in years. Nat got out of the car, slamming the door and glaring at me. 

This caught the attention of my soon to be neighbors. They stared between us before I slowly made my way towards her. She punched me in the lip before putting her arms around me. I didn't hug back and she pulled away "What the actual fuck? You disappear and now you won't even speak to me?". I glanced back at the house and saw Malaki staring and looking pissed. I turned back to her slowly, before pretending to be telling her to fuck off. "I can't talk right now. You need to leave" she shakes her head "Unbelievable". I crossed my arms "He'll do worse to me if I continue to talk to you. Come back tomorrow between 9 and 6. He works those hours". She understood and pretended to be pissed off before leaving. I looked back and Malaki was coming out of the house just in time to see her drive off angrily. He nodded to me and I nodded back. He smiled, which used to make me swoon. It did nothing now.

He walked in with me, and I was aware of the stares I was getting from the neighbor and his friends. I woke up the next morning to Malaki getting ready for work. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before leaving. I didn't believe anything he did. I knew he would come home again and hurt me. I waited until 11 when Nat showed up. The neighbor and his friends were outside and I had figured out that the hot blonde guy was the neighbor. Nat walked up and I noticed her car wasn't around. "In case he comes back early" I nod and she sits on the steps with me. "What's going on?" I put my head in my hands "He's awful Nat. He made me block all of you guys and hits me just because he feels like it. I trusted him, but he's just like my father. Maybe i'm destined to be like this". She put her hand on my shoulder "You are not destined to be like this. Tomorrow after he leaves, I'm coming back with a moving truck. You are getting the hell out of here. I saw the bruise yesterday and it's even more prominent today". 

I nod and smiled a little, glad I was finally going to be away from here. "I tried to leave yesterday, but he wouldn't let me. I'm scared Nat" she smiles softly. "Don't worry about anything ok? I'll take care of it. You focus on keeping him in a good mood so he doesn't hurt you anymore. Now I would like to say I told you so" I laughed and shook me head. I looked up at her "Yeah you did" she told me she thought something was off with him when we were 16. I told her everything would be fine. Guess she was right. She stood "Well, before you get caught, I'm going to head out to take care of some things to get you out of here. Your brother has been worried sick the past 2 years". I nod and she left me here on the steps. I glanced over at the neighbor's house to find him staring. I made eye contact before breaking it and made a quick escape into the house.

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