Chemistry~ Hawksilver

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AN: Welcome back🫡.


I huffed as I walked into my new school. I knew my neck would be an issue the second I walked in, so I hesitated at the front doors. Bites littered my neck from an attack by a vampire. It was only about a week ago, so I was still on edge. I recently had to get hearing aids because of the attack. I don't remember what caused my hearing to disappear, but I remember it being painful. I was told blood was gushing from my ears. I'm surprised there wasn't more damage. I was in the ICU for a couple days until I managed to convince them to release me. I was known before I even got here and eyes bore into the back of my head as I walked through the halls. My neck was covered with bandages to keep blood from seeping through. I had a target on me, and I knew it. I was just waiting for the strike. It didn't happen until after school when I was on my way home. I was pushed down a hill into the woods. 

I rolled to a stop and winced at the cut on my head. I was pinned to the floor "Why would they keep this one alive? Doesn't look special to me". I spit blood out as a boot met my face. A girl's voice then sounded "I don't know. Looks cute pinned to the ground with swollen lips". I winced as a hand touched the side of my face. I looked to the side and closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. Instead the guy was shoved off of me. I got a glimpse at the guy and the girl that pushed them off before I left in a rush. I got to my apartment out of breath and slammed the door before locking it. I knew why I was kept alive, but I wasn't ready to admit it. I was turned that night, which was proved when I was in the ICU. Nobody was told. I went to the bathroom and watched as my eyes turned red. I stepped back before going to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and no matter how disgusted I was, I had to do it.

I finished it off and threw it away before going to bed. I woke up to my alarm before I came to the realization that the guy that threw the other guy off of me was in my chemistry class. I huffed and went to the bathroom. I didn't heal like regular vampires. I healed like a human, so the bruise on my lip was very prominent. It helped me blend in and I was grateful for it, but not grateful at the same time. I got to school and went about my day normally before chemistry class rolled around. I felt anxiety rise before I stepped in, but sucked it up and went into the classroom. I noticed that there was now assigned seats and I was next to the guy that helped me yesterday. I didn't say anything as I sat down, but was very aware of his eyes on me. The teacher came in "Alright, we have a project we are working on. The person sitting next to you is your partner". I glanced at him, but nothing was said. 

She assigned the projects before letting us get to work on them. I turned to him, but he spoke to me before I could say anything. "Are you ok?" his accent caught me off guard for a second before I nodded. "Yeah, i'm fine" we then got to work on our project. The bell rang and I was gathering my things "Did you want to come over after school today to work on it some more?". I nodded to him "Sure" he smiled before leaving. "Meet me outside after school" he then ran off and I was left to go through the rest of my day bored. I got nervous as the day ended and walked outside to see him with the girl I saw with him. She smiled at me, but I could see that the whole thing was on her mind. Pietro then smiled and waved me over "Hey, ready?" I nod and he walked over to a nice ass car. 

I got into the backseat and listened as the girl, who I learned was Wanda, talked to me. I learned that she was Pietro's twin. He pulled into his driveway and we all got out. He walked in and yelled "Mom, Dad, we have a visitor. He's my partner for the science project". I heard two ok's in the same accent from two different areas in the house. He nodded and I followed him upstairs to his room. "Wanna work on the bed or the floor?" I shrugged "Either one works". He nodded and set up on the floor. I sat criss crossed and we started on the project again. We didn't snap out of our trance until his door opened. "Hey it's getting late. Did you want a ride? Or are your parents coming to get you. I know you guys are working hard, but I didn't want you to get overworked" his mom was sweet and I could see Pietro making gestures to her. 

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