Family~ Ironhawk

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AN: Go the idea while reading the book Credence by Penelope Douglas. Such a good read, I truly reccomend. This is loosely based on it. Just got the basic setting from it, but it's still a good book.


I stared at the bodies of my parents on the floor of their room. Barney was still asleep down the hall and didn't know what they did yet. I felt indifferent. They were always cold to us, and never showed any signs of loving us. We were basically invisible. The only attention we got was from the nanny and maids. We didn't want their attention though. We wanted our parents to notice us. We were mistakes. I gave up getting their love when I was 6. Barney before that. I grew to not love them either. We were roommates at best. I heard the door of my brother's room slowly creak open as he left his room "Clint?". I was 16 and he was 17. What were we going to do? We weren't legally adults even though we take care of ourselves. He walked over and put a hand on my shoulder before looking into the room. He froze just like I did. He was quicker to snap out of it. He pulled out his phone and dialled 911. I could hear the operator with how close he was to me "911 what is the nature of your emergency?". He was quiet for a minute before speaking "My parents committed suicide". 

It was a circus from that point on. My parents were well respected throughout the neighborhood and their other rich friends. They also knew we exsisted due to the fact that my parents put on a show. They paraded us around like we were accessories. Paramedics and police were everywhere. I sat on the couch and stared at the ground. I didn't know why they couldn't wait to do this shit until Barney was 18. It was only 3 more months. Barney eventually appeared from talking to the police. An officer came over and sat across from me while Barney sat next to me. I looked up and met his gaze "Alright, son. Your brother tells me you found them first?". I nodded shortly "Why didn't you call the cops when you first found them? Or wake your brother?". I glanced at Barney "I was in shock". He took the answer and wrote it down "Did you know they were planning this?". I just said I was in shock. You would think he would piece together that I didn't know. I shook my head anyway "No, they didn't tell me anything". He nods before he stands "That's all I need. I'm sorry, son". I didn't want his pity. I didn't want anybody's pity. 

Barney grabbed my hand "Their attorney told me that we were left in the custody of a name a don't recognize". I glanced at him "Who?" he sat back "Howard Stark". I nodded, not recognizing the name either. I didn't know what we were going to do, but I knew we didn't have a choice. The door burst open and a mop of red hair came into the house. Nat looked around for a minuute before spotting me and coming over. "Ma'am you can't be here" I walked over and pulled her out of the house "You can't barge into a crime scene Nat". She shrugged and wrapped her arms around me "Remember me when you have to move". I rolled my eyes and pat her back "I have your number". She nods into my shoulder "Yeah, but I won't be able to pester you in person". I nodded "Yeah. I'll miss you". Neither of us were good at goodbyes, so she nodded to me and waved as she left the porch. I went back inside and ignored pity stares I was getting from different officers. I didn't feel like dealing with anybody, so I went and sat next to Barney. He always knew when to leave me alone. He read me like an open book. 

We were finally left alone after hours of people running around the house. I didn't want to be in here anymore. It was too quiet. I always heard the sound of my parents taking phone calls and hanging out with their friends in the living room. I leaned against the island in the kitchen until Barney came in. "Hey" I nodded and he sat in one of the chairs. "Wanna go shoot? I think you're getting rusty" it was his way of offering me a distraction. I nodded "I am not" he smiled a little and went outside with me. We both picked up our bows and had determinated looks in our eyes as we frantically shot arrow after arrow. We were basically in a race of who could fill their target first. Eventually, we saw a car pull up. We both had raw fingers as we put the bows down, but not out of reach. People in the neighborhood knew that Barney and I were the only ones here. No telling who else knew. Our parents had many friends but just as many enemies. A man got out of the driver's side and a woman got out the passenger side. Barney and I were on edge as they walked over. "Hi, you must be Charles and Clinton" I squinted, not enjoying the fact that he used my full name. 

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