Love~ Hawksilver

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AN: I don't know where this one came from, but here we are



It's been a long time since i've seen my only friend, and I don't think i'll ever see her again. I was taken about 3 years ago on my way home from work. I worked at a bar, so I got home really late at night. Now i've just been sold over and over to several different people. These last people were awful though, but I was at least still alive. Even if I was barely alive, I was alive and at least conscious enough to fight back. Today however, was a little different. I woke up to shouting outside the door that I came to know over the past 6 months. My wrists were chained to the ceiling and I was left on my knees, so I couldn't really back away from the door when the explosion went off. Gravel cut the skin that wasn't covered by the pair of shorts I was given, and the heat from the blast was almost unbearable. I closed my eyes and turned my head to hide my face behind my arm.

People were being killed left and right and a guy took cover in my room. He glanced at me then back at the door before coming over. He knelt next to me and said something, but while I was here they messed up my hearing really badly. I couldn't hear what he was saying and I couldn't tell if he was speaking or not. I could only stare at his concentrated face through half lids as he undid my shackles. I could only see him as being the same as the people here who did all this to me. He looked around the room after getting me completely out and walked over to the rolly cart. That cart had some of the things they used on me, a couple were even still covered in blood. He rummaged around on it before picking something up. He turned around with it and I saw a pair of hearing aids. They gave them to me, but would take them away as a form of make shift torture.

He held them out to me and I took them before putting them in my ears and turning them on. "Can you hear me now?" I nod and he sighs. "I'm going to get you out of here ok, my boss already knows I found you". I nod and he puts out a hand to help me up. He keeps an eye on me as we make our way out of the building. I put a hand in front of my eyes to block the sun from my eyes. He leads me to a helicopter type thing, but this was bigger,  and goes up front "Everyone, we're done, let's move out". He grabbed something before making his way to the door. People started piling into the area and we took off. He had the back end open and tossed whatever he threw out the window. A huge explosion went off and shook the entire place. I was nervous about being taken again, but them blowing the place up gave me a little hope. The guy came and sat next to me "We've been looking for you for a long time" I sent him a curious look and he looked over. I followed his gaze and saw Natasha standing leaned against the wall smiling at me.


That's how I became a part of this team of assholes. They worked for a company called S.H.I.E.L.D. and Natasha showed up about a year after I was taken. She had been searching for a long time, but eventually was referred to them for help. They tracked me for 2 years before they found me. Now here I am 4 years after being found, and I couldn't ask for something better. Until we had another mission involving a group that had me for about a year when I was taken. They did a lot to me, and I honestly blocked it all out. I was 20 when I was taken, and they had me until I was just about to turn 21. Either way, a lot of nervous looks were thrown my way. I shrugged like it was nothing "Let's go then". Apparently, they took two more kids, twins, 23, one boy, and one girl. For them it was strange to take girls, so this one had to be badass. 

We were on our way, and everyone was tense. I was quiet this time, and I stared out the window. I was getting more nervous the closer we got to our destination. Natasha sat next to me while we were landing and leaned close to me "Just try to stay calm, and do not go off on your own again". I nod and we all got up before just basically breaking our way in as noisily as possible. I was good with a bow and arrow, so that's what I got. I made my way through all the guys, and I was guessing they had a lot of new people because none of them recognized me. We traveled down to an area I knew all to well. They were searching while I was covering them, and I was doing pretty well. My name was called by Bruce though, he looked at me nervously before waving me over. "Tony will cover, just follow me" he led me into a room and I noticed it as the one I was kept in. I saw the kids we were trying to find in here, but I also found pictures. They were old pictures of me from when I was taken here.

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