Bites~ Hawksikver

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AN: Found an old idea I had and decided to actually write it. Vampire AU. Pietro is the head vampire, and Clint was sold to them after being kidnapped.


I've been in captivity since I was 13. Unfortunately, i'm being sold when I turn 18. These people don't deal with people 18 and older, so I was told it was time to go. I don't turn 17 for 2 days, but I was scared of where I was going to end up. The cold chains on my wrists and ankles stung as I was sprayed with a hose. The shorts and thin shirt I was given did nothing to keep me warm. I curled into myself and shook uncontrollably. The leader of the group, Danielle, laughed as I shook. Her high pitched laugh was something I got used to over the past 4 years. A boot met my side and I coughed as my side throbbed. Danielle crouched down to meet my eyes "Leaving us in 2 days Clinton. We have clients lining up for you". She smiled as her red lipstick cracked from the freezing temperature in the room before another boot met my face. Blood spattered onto the floor as my eyes dropped and I felt like I was falling.


I was 15 years old and shackled to the walls. Used to the feeling of being powerless, I curled up and pulled my knees to my chest. Barney got as close to me as he could before reaching for my hand. I leaned over and grabbed his freezing hand "We're going to get out of this Birdie. I promise". He smiled at me with crooked teeth and bright eyes. I smiled back, but it was wiped away as the door opened. Danielle and her henchman stormed in and separated us quickly.

-End of Flashback-

I gasped as cold water splashed onto my face. I shot back away from it, hitting my head on the cement behind me. Danielle smiled at me with a sadistic look on her face "Slept all the way until you turned 18. Happy Birthday Clinton, you're leaving today". She threw jeans and a shirt at me "Get dressed". My hands were unshackled and I pulled my shirt off before pulling the warmer one on. My hands were shackled back and my ankles were unshackled so that I could get the jeans on. I was put in different shackles and puled into another room. I was shoved into an isolated room and left there for hours. I was on my back on the floor when the door opened. I didn't have the energy to stand or open my eyes from my spot.

I was slapped hard and opened my eyes while wincing. People i've never seen before were in the room. A younger looking guy with silver tipped hair and a younger girl with reddish brown hair were standing surrounded by guards and staring at me. I was lifted roughly and my hands were chained above my head. My head hit the wall softly as I was being eyed by the younger guy and girl. They spoke to each other in a different language that I believe was Russian. They both turned to Danielle and nodded. The guy spoke "We'll take him" I was injected with a sedative and I was knocked out quickly. I was in and out of sleep as I was being transported. I didn't dream, and was just stuck in this black abyss. 

I woke up after the sedative wore off on a couch. I was half asleep, tired, in pain, hungry, and thirsty. I groaned as I sat up painfully, but was not going to stand. I jumped when a voice interrupted my train of thought. I was trying to figure out how I got here and how I ended up with the short end of the stick in life. "Morning, you slept for a while" I watched the girl's movements carefully as she sat in a couch opposite of me. "I don't expect you to trust me or my brother, but I want you to know that we're not going to hurt you" I was on edge and it was obvious. "We haven't set up a room yet since were doing some renovations, so you're going to be on the couch for a little while. I apologize for the inconvenience, as does my brother. My name is Wanda and my brother is Pietro. If you need anything just let us know" she stood and smiled. 

"First we're going to get you some food and something to drink and you need to get some more rest" I nodded slowly and stood painfully. I stumbled, but arms prevented me from hitting anything. Pietro had his arms around my waist and guided me back to the couch "Stay here. We'll bring it to you". He pushed my shoulders back gently and I stayed in my position on my back until they got back. I was given chicken legs, green beans, mashed potatoes, and some kind of soda. I didn't know what it was by smell since I haven't had soda in a very long time. I took a small drink first to see if I like it. I decided that I liked whatever soda it was and took a longer drink. I ate about half of the plate before I couldn't eat anymore. I felt myself getting drowsy and stood to take my plate and empty cup back. Pietro stopped me "I got it, you get some sleep" he took the plate before I could protest and left. 

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