Nightmares~ Hawksilver

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AN: I love Hawksilver right now so enjoy. I prefer bottom Clint I don't know why but it might change at one point. This is kind of the set up of age of ultron but it's not age of ultron I guess you'll find out what that means when you read it



I have to say these guys really are dumb, why the hell would the clump together when they have the Avengers after them "jesus these people are dumb" I heard Tony laugh over the earpiece "yeah i'm honestly confused on how there are so many of them". I flinch when a flash goes past me "are there other enhanced here?" I couldn't tell what he looked like "there were rumors that this place was experimenting on people I didn't think they were true". I jump back when it goes by again "alright i'm a target, I can't even see the fucker, he has super speed" he went behind me and shoved making me stumble forward "alright maybe if I ca-" he knocked me to the ground. That wasn't the problem, what was a problem was the asshole knocked out my hearing aid which had a built in communication device for the team, I curse but I couldn't hear it "shit" everything was just muffled.

I can deal with a lot of things, but I had Tony make special hearing aids for a reason "fuck!" this kid showed up in front of me and I could see his lips moving but couldn't hear what he was saying. I was starting to panic "I can't.." I lean against the tree and close my eyes trying to get a breath in, I jump when a hand lands on my shoulder and my eyes snap open "I can't fucking hear!" I scream this and the kid jumps back in surprise. He sits on his knees in front of me and tries to sign as best as he can 'I look for ear' I knew what he meant and nodded, after a minute or two of watching a blur go past he stopped in front of me with my earpiece. I grabbed it from him and put it back in my ear "Clint can you hear us, do you need assistance" I sigh "no I just lost the earpiece for a minute" I could hear a couple people breathe out "what about the enhanced".

I looked into the kids eyes "clear, he's alright, just fell into the wrong hands" he raised an eyebrow at me "what do you mean" I roll my eyes "I mean the kid found my earpiece for me, now i'm going to offer something and i'm turning off my comms so that you can't yell at me". I turn the off and turn to the kid "do you know who the avengers are" he shakes his head "no i've never heard of them" I was taken by surprise at his accent "ok well we work to bring down people who threaten earth and the people on it". He nods "so you take down associations like Stark Industries" I furrow my brows "how long have you been isolated" he shrugs "a long time I guess".

This made me feel bad for him "alright well, Tony Stark saw what was happening with the weapons he made and shut everything down" he gawks "are you lying to me" I shake my head "he didn't know that terrorists were buying his products, a man on his team betrayed him and left him for dead". He shakes his head "that, I, what?" he looks confused and angry "his weapons destroyed" I nod "and the right after he got back from being captured he shut everything down, I have a video I could show you" he nods. The some girl shows up out of nowhere "Pietro!" he jumps back "Wanda when did you show up" she looks down "right after you gave him his earpiece.

She looked confused as well "Stark has always been our enemy" I nod "listen, his father is the one who started the business and gave it to Tony at a young age, he didn't know who he was but now he does and believe me when I saw he will never sell weapons again". They look at each other as if coming to a decision "alright if we help you, you show us the video, and if you're lying I will kill you immediately" I nod "ok" she squints "you would put your life on the line for him" I nod. She stares for a couple more minutes "you're not the type to do that are you" I look to the side "believe me" she nods "he's telling the truth, come on" both of them leave and I walk back to the helicarrier, I turn on the comms "alright, the enhanced are siblings and are on our side, do not attack them".

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