Storytelling~ Ironhawk

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AN: This is probably going to be a mini come back story that's very short. Unless I change it to be longer. Enjoy.


The entire team was gathered around the living room for a team meeting for about an hour. Soon though, we were done and had nothing to do. We got bored very quickly. It started off with Pietro and Wanda telling a story about Sokovia. Soon all the other avengers were telling stories about their childhood. I really didn't want to tell any, so I left. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water while Wasp was trying to get me to tell her something. I just ignored her or just flat out told her no. I didn't like to talk about my childhood very much. I don't even think I have ever told anyone anything big about my childhood. Not even Natasha knows much about my childhood. 

She knows that I had a brother, and that I have a problem with going to the circus. That's all I have ever told her, and even she knew not to pry about my childhood. Tony then decided that since Wasp gave up, he would try. He was trying to get me to say anything about my childhood. "How about an older sibling? Younger sibling?" I frown and turned quickly to throw a knife at him. we were in the living room and it hit the wall behind him with a thud. "Shut up Stark, it's none of your business" I left the living room and went upstairs to my room. I heard some arguing downstairs and knew that Natasha was getting onto Tony about pressing the matter. I knew because I could hear her best, at least until I turned my hearing aids off. 

I really didn't want to deal with anybody at this point. It was stupid that I was this upset about it, but my brother didn't die in a normal way. I still feel the guilt from it like it was yesterday. I was forced to kill him for betraying the ringmaster even though I was the one to tell him to do it. He didn't snitch though, so he was the only one penalized for it. I was forced to shoot an arrow through his head. I don't know how they did it, but they made this mind control device that made me do anything they wanted. It was a sensitive topic for that reason, and the only one that understood that was Fury. He knew about my brother and that he died, but he doesn't know that I was the one that had to kill him. 

I avoided people for weeks after that. I took a ton of mission from Fury just to get out of being at home. Because I did this, I hadn't slept much and it was starting to have an effect on me. So much so, that Fury noticed. He then suspended me from doing any missions until I got some sleep. He even told Nat to make sure that I slept. She made me lay down in the living room on the couch while she was watching something and told me to close my eyes and go to bed. I did close my eyes because I didn't feel like dying at the hands of my best friend, but I didn't go to sleep for a long time. I don't remember exactly when I drifted off, but I did fall asleep on the couch. When I woke up, it was pitch black outside and my hearing aids were gone. 

I reached over to the coffee table and fumbled around to find them. they were on the very far corner around the area Nat was sitting in earlier. I put them in and turned them on to hear voices in the kitchen talking. It sounded like Tony and Steve, but I couldn't exactly tell completely. Either way I got up and made my way in there to get a glass of water. when I did go in there, I was glad I was a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Tony had always been good looking to me, but Tony in just loose sweatpants and no shirt was fucking hot. If I wasn't a trained agent, every one of my emotions would have been evident on my face. I walked over to the cabinet while Tony and Steve were talking in whispers.

Though I could hear Steve telling Tony to say sorry while Tony was saying that he didn't know if I would even talk to him, I didn't say anything. I had already forgiven him for prying, he was just curious. He's a scientist so it's in his nature, I just don't like thinking about anything in my childhood. It always brought feelings of regret and I just felt like something was missing. I always wondered what my life would be like if my brother was still here. He would probably be telling me right now to suck it up and go talk to Tony to let him know everything was fine. I took a long drink of the water before I noticed Tony staring at me. "What?" he shook his head "Nothing, just thinking" I nod. "Yeah, I know, I could hear you two" I sighed "I'm was never really mad at you, we're good". He nods "Alright, night Clint" I hum and put my cup in the sink before leaving the kitchen. 

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