Circus~ Ironhawk

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AN: I just like the whole Clint angst so here I am, I also love Jeremy Renner right now so there's a lot of Clint stories from me, i'll eventually move onto another character you're welcome.



I groan as Steve says that he has a trip to take as a team bonding exercise. I get on my phone during the entire speech and only looked up when I heard the word circus "What?". He sighs "We going to a circus, it'll be fun" I shake my head "Nope". Natasha glances at me with a worried frown "Don't be such a baby Clint, we'll have a lot of fun". I was sitting upside down on the couch, so I had to push myself over the back of it to walk out of the room. Natasha followed me "Hang on guys" she told them to give us a minute and caught up with me. "Clint-" I shake my head "No, I refuse". She sighs "I know you have a thing about circus' but can you maybe stick through it, I mean you saw how excited he looked". I shrug "I know, I saw him, but Nat I just...I hate them and I always will". She nods "What if you turn your hearing aids off and i'll sit next to you so I can nudge you if anyone is asking you something, or if Steve is looking at you so you can put on a fake smile". I sigh and nod "Fine" she smiles and I walk into my room to sulk on my bed.


I walked back into the living room and saw the other avengers look up as I stepped out of the hall. "He agreed, you're welcome" I sat in the chair and Steve nodded "Thanks, why is he so against Circus'?". I shrug "All I know is that he doesn't like them, something with his childhood". I knew he grew up in one, but I never knew what happened there. "Think it was an accident?" I shrug at Tony "If i'm being honest I have no idea". I knew he had some really bad nightmares when he thought about it and was hoping he wouldn't have them tonight after the show. "Well at least he agreed" I nod still nervous about how tonight will go. "We leave in about three hours" I nod and go to Clint's room to tell him about it. "Clint?" I knocked and opened the door "Hey" he was sitting on the bed cleaning his bow. "Hey, what's up" he stops and looks up at me. "We leave in three hours" he nods and I leave.


Natasha walks out and I sigh while setting my bow and the rag down on my bed. "Guess I should take a shower then" I grab a towel and go to my bathroom to take a quick shower. It was relaxing and cleared my mind a bit. I exited the bathroom with the towel around my waist and heard a knock on my door "What?". I had just gotten some black jeans on when the door opened "Hey, was wondering which van you want to ride in". I shrug at Tony "Don't really care" I turned around seeing him nod. "Alright, you plan on going like that or with a shirt on because I would be ok with either" I roll my eyes "Ha ha, i'm getting a shirt on". He shrugs "Alright fine". I smile and throw the towel at him "Get out". He laughs while closing the door "Dick" I grab a white shirt, but put a baby blue hoodie on over it. "Hey Clint, it's Natasha, are you naked" I try to hide the smile while she opens the door. "You know I could've been naked when you opened that" she shrugs. "Nothing I haven't seen, remember when we had to stay in that hotel and you were drunk-" I cover her mouth when she got close enough. "Don't remind me" I cringed at the memory and she swatted my hand away while laughing.

She shook her head at my outfit "Nope, no, i'm changing this". I roll my eyes and lay on my bed while she goes through my clothes. "The jeans are fine just not the hoodie, and i'm guessing there's a white shirt under in" I flip her off and she throws a shirt on my face. "Thanks" she nods and I pull the shirt and hoodie off before looking at the shirt. "Seriously?" she nods again "You always look good in it". It was a dark red shirt "And this" she threw my worn leather jacket at me. "Alright fine" I pull the shirt on then the jacket "See you look good, I mean Tony is going to be there". I shush her "He literally has cameras everywhere" she shrugs. "Not in our rooms" I lean away as she goes to touch me. "Stop, i'm fixing your hair it's a mess" I roll my eyes and let her mess around with my hair. "You done?" she hums "Yep" I look at the mirror that was hanging on the door. "I like it" she smiles proudly "Where did you put your cologne?". 

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