Mafia~ Ironhawk

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AN: Mafia AU because I can


My dad is not my dad. I was stolen when I was really young. I often wondered who my real parents were. At the same time, I gave up on them. I'm almost 18 and i've lived in hell my entire life. My dad was an alcoholic, and drug abuser. He often threw things and hit me anytime I did something wrong, or spoke when I didn't have permission. I knew he was marrying me off the day I turned 18, but I didn't know who it would be. He said it was a guy that had been 16 at the time. I was 14 when he told me, so the guy is now 20. I didn't know his name or what he looked like. I was in the dark about everything that was going to be my future. I didn't care though. I have been through abuse since I can remember, why not keep the trend going. I used to try to escape, but gave up after getting caught a punished several times. I escaped in the training room. I would often go down there and shoot arrows at a target with my bow. I couldn't do it a lot since I would get a lot of pains shooting through my stomach.

My dad didn't feed me, or allow me in the kitchen. I was malnourished and it was quite obvious when I didn't have a shirt on. My spine and my ribs were prominently showing through my skin. I was getting nervous about turning 18. I knew I would die from malnutrition in the next couple of years if nothing changed. I was going to turn 18 in 2 days and the closer it got,the more I screwed up. Currently, I was locked in the crawlspace for smiling at a joke one of my dad's servants made. It was dirty and lower to the ground than you would think. I was leaned against the wall next to the door of the crawlspace. I closed my eyes and slept as best as I could through the cold November night. In the morning, I was pulled out of the crawlspace by the collar of my shirt. My dad dragged me upstairs and threw me into the bathroom "Take a shower, your fiance is coming today to get ready for tomorrow". 

I nodded "Yes sir" I was too numb to know if any damage happened, but the dark circles under my eyes would need to be covered. I took a quick shower, and got into black jeans, and a black button up shirt. I covered up any bruises that were showing along with the dark circles under my eyes. I went downstairs and stood at military attention by the living room door like I always had to do when we were expecting company. I was glad when the doorbell rung a couple hours later. My dad let me come over and I was now told to act happy. I was a little excited to see who I was going to be marrying, but I was also nervous. The door opened and two oldish people walked in "Hi you must be Mr Barton correct?". My dad flashed a smile that looked extremely real "Yes, and you must be Mr and Mrs Stark". The couple nodded and looked around "He wondered off again. One second". 

Mr Stark stuck his head out of the door "Tony, come on". The hottest guy I have ever seen came in wearing jeans and an ACDC shirt. He was wearing clothes I have always wanted to wear. "Sorry, I was talking with the guy at the bottom of the stairs" his gaze met mine and he seemed to be analyzing me. I shifted on my feet and he sent a smile "Hey man, i'm Tony. I only know your last name, so what's your first name". I was a little taken aback by the informal speaking and glanced at my father who nodded "Clinton, nice to meet you". He nodded and my father clapped his hands "Well, i'll show you to your room and Clinton can show you to the dining room where dinner will be waiting". I didn't realize I was standing at attention for 7 hours, but I guess I was since it was 6. I followed my dad and the Starks upstairs to their rooms. Tony's was to the right of mine and his parents were to the left of mine.

I was glad they were on both sides of me, which meant my dad couldn't hurt me when I was in my room. They went into their rooms to put their stuff down and my father left quickly. They came out and I nodded to them before leading them down the stairs. Tony caught up to walk next to me "I know this is strange, you don't have to pretend it's not". I nodded "I know, I don't really mind it". He nodded with a curious look on his face and walked next to me until we got to the dining room. My dad gave me a stern look "You hungry bud?". I knew what he was telling me to do "No sir, I ate earlier". He nodded "Alright, go get some sleep" I nodded and left quickly. There was a knock on the door as I was walking past it and glanced back at my dad. He nodded and I opened the door. I was met with Nat from school, who wrapped her arms around my shoulders tightly. I froze and winced "Nat?" she pulled away "I know you're leaving tomorrow and I wanted to say bye". I nodded, knowing I was going to get killed for her showing up.

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