The Man Across the Street~ Winterhawk

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AN: I Don't know, don't ask me, I just got back from a trip. I'm a little pissed and this is my therapy so you're welcome enjoy. Heavily going to remind you of the Neighbors~ Ironhawk chapter.



I was outside the first time I saw him. I knew someone moved in across the street, but I just didn't know he was so freaking hot. Natasha was explaining to me her girl drama while we were sitting in the back of my truck when I saw him. He had short brown hair, and metal arm, and deep blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and black tennis shoes. He was talking with a tall blonde guy and another brunette. I ended up staring for a minute before Natasha smacked me in the back of the head. I yelped and grabbed my head "Ow, that was mean you bitch, and hurt really bad". She rolled her eyes "You wouldn't answer, I thought you were purposely ignoring me. Didn't know you were staring at the eye candy across the street". I flipped her off "Shut up" she rolled her eyes again "I'm going to go grab something to drink, try not to stare too hard". 

I roll my eyes back "Can you get me a coke" she gives me a thumbs up and I get on my phone to act like i'm not creepily staring across the street at my neighbor. I saw him glance over here a couple times before he started staring. I was confused at first before I got nailed in the temple with a fucking coke can. I saw him and his two friends wince before I cover my face and roll to face away from my neighbor. "Sorry Clint, didn't mean to hit you in the face" I gave her the finger before sitting up. I groaned and kept a hand over my eye "Alright, that's it. I'm suing bitch". She walked over with a can in her hand "I honestly meant to throw it beside you, I think my aim is off". She climbs onto the tailgate, which was down, next to me and sat down. "Come on move your hand" she pulls my hand off and cringes.

"Okay, that's a little worse than I thought. Keep your hand there" she put my hand back and pushed to put pressure on my eye. "What do you mean it's worse than you thought, how bad is it?" she held up a finger. "Your parents aren't home?" I shake my head "You cursed in front of your mom and got your car keys taken away?". I nod "Yep" she hums "Alright, so we have no way to fix this, hang on i'm going to show you how bad it is and you decide what to do". She takes a picture, then shows me the area around my eye that was starting to swell and starting to bleed pretty bad. "How did you even manage to do this with a coke can you maniac?" she shrugs "What do you want to do?". I shrug "What can I do, we have no way to get to my parents or even to a clinic. So I guess we wait?". She nods "Alright, but we can go ask y'know, all three of them saw it". 

I glanced back over and saw them all taking turns looking over here "I refuse to even speak". She rolls her eyes "Fine, i'll do it" she hops down and I attempt to call her back, but she keeps going "Nat!". I groan and cover my eye again to try and stop the substantial amount of blood that was now running down my head to stop it from getting in my eye. Natasha finally got back "He said he would be glad to drive you, just not to get blood all over his car". I sigh "You told him about me getting grounded at 18 didn't you?". She shrugs "What else was I supposed to say, we obviously have a vehicle". I nod "Fine, hang on". I sent my mother a quick text telling her what was going on before following Natasha. She grabbed a spare rag we had and stopped me so she could wipe off my face and hold the rag to my eye. "Can't believe you did this" she smiles "Well now you go to ride with a hot guy".

I flip her off again and we finally get face to face with the guy that I was staring at. "Hi, saw you get nailed it the face" I nod "Yeah, she has awful aim". Natasha hit me in the back of the head and I swear I could see stars. "Ok no more doing that, it really hurts you ass" she smiled but patted my shoulder to tell me that she was sorry "Come on you accident prone toddler". I let her pull me into the back seat of a really nice car that had another brunette in it. Natasha made me sit in the middle and continued to hold the rag to my head. "Thanks for the ride" the hot guy nodded "Any time you need one you know where I am". It was a quiet ride for the most part since a headache was coming at me full force. The brunette that was to my left started a conversation after the hot guy parked "You honestly took the hit like a champ if i'm being honest". I smiled at him "Thanks I guess". He nods and the hot guy rolled his eyes "Tony leave the kid alone, he already got knocked in the head". I felt relief that I at least knew somebody's name "I was being nice, but fine I will leave him alone". 

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