Crimson~ Ironhawk

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An: Vampires man.


My target wasn't like any other I had ever been after before. He was strange, but I was told to take him out. Somehow, I ended up in a basement or sorts. I was thrown in here and haven't seen daylight in who knows how long. I know Fury already tracked my hearing aids, but I was wondering where he was. Nat was probably on his ass about it too. The door finally opened and another guy walked in followed by my target. He was absolutely stunning, and definitely the leader. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into, but I knew it was bad when his eyes flashed a red color. He smiled as his fangs popped out and I huffed. "Great. Vampires. The second I didn't think it could get any worse" he laughed a little. "I like this one. He's feisty. Said he almost snuck up on you too?" the guy behind him nodded.

"Yeah, couldn't even hear him. It was his blood that gave it away" the guy was tall and blonde with blue eyes. Typical teenage girl fan club material. The guy I was interested in was brunette and amazing brown eyes. He smiled as he stood straight up "Impressive for a human. Wonder where he learned it". I didn't say a word and he got closer to me before kneeling to be right in my face. "Your heart skipped a beat. Which means you're either determined not to tell us, or it's not a pleasant memory for you" his smile grew. "Now i'm interested. Unpleasant stories are my favorite. You get to learn so much about someone just from one" I looked at him skeptically and he tilted his head as he analyzed me. "Not even afraid just a little bit either. Usually with a vampire this close to someone, they get terrified" I shrugged, but didn't dare move any other way. 

He stood straighter "Let's keep this one alive. I wanna know everything. Especially how he got to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. at such a young age. Usually their agents are older". He left with the blonde after throwing a smile and a wink my way. I have to say, that was the most confusing interaction I have ever had. It was a while before someone came through the door again. I haven't slept in a long time, so I was trying not to fall asleep when the door opened. The brunette walked in alone this time. "Well, Clint Barton. I can't find anything on you. Never come across this issue before, but it's just a hiccup. Everything eventually is revealed" he sat criss crossed next to me in my position leaning against the wall. "I've been observing you for a while. Haven't slept once since you got here. How do you do it?" he seemed very baffled by this.

 "I've gone longer before" he nods, looking very interested now. "You're very well trained Agent. I can see why Fury would send you. Unfortunately, now you have to deal with this. I like you though. You peak my interest, which is a good thing by the way. I want to make a deal" I looked at him unamused at his attempt to try to get me to talk. "Fine, don't believe me, but I will get something out of you that answers my questions" he stayed sitting next to me until the blonde came in. "Tony, are you sure you should be sitting that close to a trained agent while pissing him off" I guess I have a name now. "It's fine Steve, he's smart enough to know not to try anything" now I have two names. I engrave them into my memory as I tune them out. I snapped out of it when he touched my ear and grabbed his hand quickly.

This led to me pinned to the ground by him. "Don't move" he moved my head to the side and took the hearing aid out. "Interesting. Never had a deaf one before" I shook my head "I'm not deaf". He nods "Right, so you wear these for decorations?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm hard of hearing, only have 20 percent in both ears" he nods, getting what I meant now. "Alright, makes sense" he backed off and handed the hearing aid back to me. I put it back in and winced at the ringing before it was on. "So what made you lose your hearing?" I shrugged and went back to my spot against the wall. He smiled slightly "Trying to hide the fact that you don't like talking about it doesn't work with me. I can hear your heart, which gives you away easily. Like how you almost fell asleep against the wall". I glanced at him before shaking my head "If you are here just to piss me off. It's working".

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