Survival~ Ironhawk

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AN: I don't even know where this one came from, like what in the world was I even thinking. Oh well here we go.



I've been to a lot of group homes. I hate them. Group homes have always been awful and truly I am tired of going to them. My social worker though, decided that she's just going to keep going until I break. She keeps sending me to them knowing that i'll either get kicked out for fighting or they are abusive. I'm turning 17 in a couple weeks, and nobody wants to take care of a moody teenager. Especially one who fights with other kids when they say the wrong thing. Either way I was being sent to another group home, this time was a little different though. Miss Hill told me she knew the owner personally and that they run a very nice home that she thinks I will fit into. She also stressed the fact that most of the kids are in the 16 age range, when we turn 18 the owner allows us to stay as long as we need to get on our feet, and are always welcome back if we need it. 

She didn't even come up to follow me to the door, which I honestly didn't care about, just caught me off guard. I knocked on the door and a tall blonde guy answered "Hi you must be Clint right?". I nod and look to the side "Hang on let me get Fury, he owns the home". He left for a minute and an even taller guy with an eye patch showed up. "Clinton, a little earlier than I thought" I shrug "Miss Hill wanted me to be early for a reason she didn't tell me". He nods "Follow me, you're going to be bunking with three other boys since we keep two bunk beds per room". I nod and follow him "Is the backpack your only bag?" I nod again "Yeah". He nods "The boys you will be bunking with are nice enough and I like to normally bunk kids who are the same age, but I don't have a 16 year old room open". He opened the door "They're all turning 18 soon, so if you have a problem tell me, they have an issue with accepting other kids into their room". I nod "Alright" he nods "Did you already have dinner?". I nod "Yeah" he hums "Alright" then the door is closed.

I sigh and found the empty bed immediately. It was a top bunk on the right side of the room across from the door. I sighed and leaned against the wall to look out the window. I saw a bunch of kids outside running around, but pulled out my phone that i've had instead of going out. My best friend got it for me before she got adopted a couple years ago and we often texted on it. I sent her a pin of where I was so she could look it up and pulled up the gallery. I scrolled through photos of Natasha, Barney, and I. We had a really good friendship, and Barney and I were close. We got separated during one of the transitions to group homes and he didn't have a phone, so I could never see him again. Natasha texted me back 'Looks fun, you're close to my house too. I can stop by this weekend'. I smiled to myself and sent a quick text back 'Idk, I am being roomed with 3 18 year olds and wouldn't like to become a target'. I looked out the window and noticed some of the kids looking at me and pointing. 

I looked back at my phone and sent the picture of Natasha and I hanging in a tree to her 'Want to relive this atm, kids staring at me for some reason. Was told the kids I am rooming with are not very accepting of roommates'. She sent back a laughing emoji 'Would like to relive that too, foster parents are fighting again'. I frowned 'Again? I thought they got over that?' she typed back quickly 'They were only faking because they didn't want you or me to feel awkward. Can hear them screaming. I don't think they know i'm here'. I sigh 'Wish I could help, but I think i'm stuck here'. She didn't get to reply before the door opened and the blonde guy that answered the front door walked into the room. A brunette was following him, and they both paused. I waited for the rejection to come, but it never did "Sorry, just Fury told us you were 16, normally he wouldn't put someone under-aged in a room with kids about to turn 18". 

I shrug "He said they were all full" the Blonde nods "Well, i'm Steve, and this is Bucky". He points to the brunette who was standing behind him "Tony will be here later, he's having an argument about science with Bruce, another kid turning 18 in a little while". I nod "Ok" he hums "Also, I think you already figured it out, but that bunks open". I nod and he continues "The person that usually debates on letting people in the room is Tony, I think he'll like you though, so no need to worry about it". He lays on his bed and I climb up to the one that was open. I felt a little relief when I figured out that Steve and Bucky were dating. Mostly since one group home found out I was gay and I was not going to survive if there were't any vents in the home. I rolled to face the wall and I surprisingly fell asleep after an hour of rolling around in the honestly really comfortable bed.

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