Leader~ Ironhawk

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AN: Hello.


The muddy water clung to my clothes as I fell into the puddle. I could hear the howling of my pack behind me. I got up and ran faster than I ever have. I jumped into the lake and swam as far as I could to get away. Barney was close behind. making sure I didn't drown or get lost. I went up for air quickly before diving back under. I finally made it to the other side. I crawled up onto the shore before Barney followed and laid next to me. "It's just you and me now bud. We're gonna be ok" his hand rested comfortingly on my shoulder. I put my hand over his as we both caught our breath. We moved slowly as we walked through the woods. They wouldn't be able to track us past the water. Especially now that we were soaked. The nearest city was New York. We found ourselves outside with the small amount of money that we had. We took what we could from the safe before we ran.

We had to wait for the bills to dry, but we were able to get a small apartment and another change of clothes. Barney went job hunting while I was left to do whatever in the apartment. I got worried when it got dark and he still wasn't back. I was pacing the room relentlessly and constantly running a hand through my hair. I left the apartment and made sure to lock it before I left. I was confident that I would find him roaming around somewhere. He was probably just lost. I couldn't think he was hurt on our first couple of hours of being here. I realized how easily he could've gotten hurt after wlking around for a while. There were people everywhere, and they did not look like the best people to be around. I walked around for hours looking, but came across trouble. I recognized one of our old pack members and knew he would be able to find me. I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could. I knew he had already been following me. 

I wasn't able to run faster than him though. He was an alpha and I was a beta. I was physically weaker than him. I still ran. I knew I would eventually get caught, but was hoping to come across Barney before that happened. It did not. I did run into someone though. I hit whoever it was hard as I was rounding a corner and skidded across the concrete. I held my skinned arm knowing it would lead him right to me because of the smell of blood. Whoever I ran into bent down next to me "Shit, are you alright kid?". I met brown eyes and nodded before standing. The guy rounded the corner, but came to a stop. I knew the guy I ran into was an alpha. I didn't know who he was though. A lot of packs were in New York, but I didn't recognize him. I also knew that laws for wolves in New York were more strict, but I didn't exactly know the laws. Barney did, but he's missing right now. The member of the pack came running around the corner. I took off in the opposite direction, hoping to out run two alphas now. I heard footsteps behind me and ran faster. I felt every muscle in my body burn as I ran through the streets.

I made the mistake of tripping and fell hard. I rolled until my head hit the brick wall. I winced as my forehead stung and blood dripped onto the cement. I pulled myself up just as the old pack member caught up to me and shoved me hard. I saw stars as I stared at the black car across the street. He restrained my arms behind my back "We already got your brother. Let's go little Barton". I pulled an arm out of his grip and shot my elbow back to hit wherever I could. He grunted as I connected and I smiled before a kick to the face brought darkness. I heard more footsteps approaching before I passed out completely. I woke up with a pounding headache and my body refused to move. I groaned and put my arms over my face to block any light. "Mom he's waking up" my eyes shot open and I sat up quickly. A woman came in and I could tell she was an omega. She smiled and sat on the edge of the bed I was in. The boy looked to be about Barney's age and was definitely alpha. "Where am I?" she smiled "I'm Maria Stark. You're in the pack med bay. Heard you took a nasty hit to the head and scrapped up your arm. You ran into my husband". 

I nodded, remembering that part. "My brother?" she nods "He's not in a good state". I looked over to where she looked and found my brother hooked up to a lot of machines. "He came after the guys that had you pinned down before my husband showed up. He was outnumbered 20 to 1, but still took down a lot of them. He was one of the greatest fighters my husband had ever seen" I nodded still staring at him. "Do you know if he's going to make it?" she shakes her head "I don't know yet sweetie, but you won't be any help if you hurt yourself too much. Just try to get some more rest and calm down. Everything will be ok". She reminded me of my mother, which is why I listened to her. I laid back and rolled onto my side to try and get some more sleep, which did prove to be quite difficult. I couldn't stop thinking about how my brother was doing. Was he going to make it? It was my fault in the first place. I should've stayed in the apartment. 

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