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She knocked on the door.

"Come in, Miss. Sana" he commanded.

He got up while adjusting his blazer. She took baby steps toward his desk.

"You are late by 5mins!"he said in a serious tone.

"Sorry ...." Before she could say further, he interrupted her.

"Why you behave so mischief in my class? He snapped.

"I'm sorry, its first time I will never repeat that mistake! " she pleaded

"Oh, first time really?

"Yes, I will never use the phone in your class, " she said with guilt.

"Did you experienced your first kiss! " He asked with a smirk.

'What!' she exclaimed.

"Learn to answer first! " he snapped in a serious tone while moving towards her.

"It's none of your business " she scowled

He glared at her with anger.

"You are my professor, you only may talk about your subject " she replied with an attitude.

He closed his eyes to control his anger, which turned as a smirk.

"Ok fine, let's talk about your punishment " he declared

"I'm sorry for that, can't you excuse once " she pleaded.

"I will excuse only after knowing that you have learned your lesson, " he said in a crisp voice

She gulped lumps while acting stubborn and strong.

"Do you know wall chair pose?" he questioned with a cocky smirk.

'What' She yelled in horror.

"Even you don't know, I can teach you!" he chuckled

"I was pursuing my +2!" she exclaimed.

"It's my wish, I will do what I want and if you have a problem, we can discuss details in the principal cabin " he scowled

"Ok fine, how many mins?

"It depends on your behavior. Go take your position " he ordered.

She left towards the wall while scolded him inside.

She took the position while resting her spin on the wall.

"Good, you have a flexible body " he complimented with a lusty glare which is unaware by her. She got so much anger by that stupid compliment, It's hurting her legs and spin so much. He occupied his chair like a king and started staring at her inch by inch.

Sana's gaze fell on him. She felt so uncomfortable.

"Stop watching me like that " she scowled while getting straight on her feet.

"Why shouldn't I?' He questioned with a dirty smirk.

"I'm not feeling good " she complained

"I think I was punishing you, right. Punishment means it feels uncomfortable, sometimes painful too, " he said in a husky tone while stepping closer.

She pinned herself on the wall by feeling his closeness.

" S---s--stay a..away!" she stammered

"You look so cute " he whispered while caressing her cheeks sensually. She felt so weird and uncomfortable. She pushed him back.

"You don't have any right to touch me, Mr. " she scowled in anger.

"Fine, let's discuss this in the headmaster's room, " he said with an evil smirk.

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