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Andrew Mansion

They reached the mansion and entered in Alina, blocked his way in anger. Jay jumped out of the couch on fours and came crawling faster towards Sana and wrapped his hands around her legs. In the same way, Sid did a few minutes ago. He was not crying but asking millions of questions by his eyes. She lifted him and kissed his cheeks with tears.

"Where you went?" Alina asked him in a strict tone.

"Go in Sana! Get changed and make him sleep!" He ordered her, ignoring his mother. She left upstairs along with Jay.

"I asked some questions!" She shouted out.

"I had important work, so I went" He replied in a calm tone.

"What is that important work other than a meeting?" She asked in an annoyed tone. He remained silent she went inflow scolding him for being irresponsible.

"You are just! From when you started behaving like this! Did that Sana tuned your mind! That creepy creature!" As she started getting Sana his angry raised, but he tried to stay in control.

" that worthless girl is spoiling your mind totally" He lost his calm totally and yelled out.

"Dare you take her name!" He shouted from top of his voice. By that time Sana came out of her room and looked down where Sid was arguing.

"What! Your raising voice on me for that worthless girl who came just few days ago?" She shouted out in anger.

"Not few days! It's years! She is my wife from past 3years!" He announced in anger, making his parents' shock.

'What?" His dad asked in horror.

"Yes, I married her 3years ago in London. It's a fact I forced her to be with me! I forced her in everything, but she loved me every second of her life. I messed her life! I blackmailed her! I harassed her! I tortured her! I did everything with her but in return, she gifted me love and that Jay is not some stranger's baby. He is my son! My own blood! " He confessed, falling on his knees with tears.

"She loved me along with my flaws. She loved me even after knowing that I will never be hers. She sacrificed her life for me!" He narrated everything he did and how she suffered because of him.

"What about this thing you did? How can you just marry without my consent?" His mother yelled, ignoring his feelings. She is still focused on her ego and money.

"Because I love her, she is not stupid minded like you! She loved me irrespective of my bad attitude towards her, but you always make me feel low... Worst on myself!" He cried like a kid. Sana felt broken by seeing his tears. She came down running to conceal him.

"Remember Sid, your existence is only with me! I gave you life, not she!′ She shouted with attitude.

"You gave life to a machine, but she gave life to my soul," He said with a smile. She came running and hugged him.

"Enough Sid! Please don't be like this " She cried hugging him. His dad was feeling bad seeing Sid crying, but his mom is stubborn with egooo.

"Stop this drama! You just messed my business and just today because of you I lost my five hundred million dollars deal! Just because of you both and this world is caring for you because I gave you my branding. Without me your nothing! "She shouted in anger with too much attitude, which poked up Sana's anger.

"You just can't talk to him like this!" She snapped in anger.

"It's a fact! And you just trapped my son and playing well!" She mocked.

"So, you think Sana loved me for money?" Sid asked, standing on his feet.

"Yeah, cent percent!" Alina confirmed with a smirk.

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