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After few hours of her childhood tales, he lost in admiring her smiling, happy face.

"You look more beautiful with this smile," He said admiring her. She blushed purposely. He was about to lean closer, but he moved apart and stood up from me.

Sana pov,

We are too much involved in my conversation. I noticed him looking at me with a lot of love. I miss this attention from him. We had a tough phase all over these months, but atleast now he should forget everything. He should be happy again. He should overcome that guilt.

I thought he will kiss me, but in seconds he got up and was about to leave me. I held his hand and dragged him towards me.

"You just can't do like this!" I yelled in anger.

"What I did?" He asked with dangerous innocence. So, he really don't know!

"I want something as a return gift, can you give it?" I asked, tricking him.


"I want you to love me!" I said, hiding my shyness.

"What!" He asked with a wide mouth.

"Yes!" I pressed my words, biting my lip.

"I know why you're saying this! You don't need to do this again... Your love is enough for this life!" He said with an almost satisfied smile kissing my forehead. I can see love in his eyes. Pure love! But now he can't love me! He lost interest in me!

As I lost in my thoughts. He walked away to the stairs.

"Wait! you idiotic person! Come here first!" I yelled in frustration. He came to me in seconds and stood beside me.

"Did I said you to leave? Did I say?" I demanded in anger.

"No!" He whispered like a scared kid. Good, I should wash his brain or else one day he will turn like a saint.

"Look, I did a lot of work to make it special, but here you made me upset. It's your duty to make me happy again. Or else I will fire you!" I warned him.

"What should I do?" He asked obediently.

"Follow my orders and do as I say without cross-questions! Am I clear?" I demanded. He nodded yes for me.

God save me! I should be bold! Don't be scared Sana you can be bold. after all he is your husband!

"Remove my Saree pin!" I ordered him. He stepped back after hearing me. Oh God, I said it!

Sid pov,

She can't be serious! Did I heard right?

Did she really asked me to do that!

"Yes, remove my pin it's so harsh on my skin" She added stepping closer towards me. The chilly breezes are making it hard for me. I leaned closer and brushed her hair down her shoulder and tried to unpin her pallu. I could hear her raising the heartbeat and I can hear mine beating faster. My hands are shivering for the first time of life. I do touch her in every way, but today I'm feeling so new. I just can't control. I moved away from her.

"I will try from the back," I made an excuse.

"You can hubby!" She said with a smirk. I moved behind her and moved her hair aside on her shoulder. She pressed herself on me, making my monster wake up. I just turned to move away before she feels my monster arousal. She pulled my free hand and wrapped it around her waist.

"Complete your task. Later you can run!" She said in a seducing tone. Do she really know what's happens inside me! I cursed my fate in this present condition. This stupid pin it's not opening dammit! I was dying to resist this closeness. My hands are moving independent surfing on her waist. She pinned herself more on to my raising monster, making me groan.

Finally, the pin came out, making me breathe. I tried to move apart, but she held my plam harder, pressing it on her waist.

"It's done!" I whispered in her ear.

"It's not yet, the pin on my waist is also hurting" She pouted guiding my hand on her waist. I could feel her soft skin under my rough hands.

"Really!" I asked to confirm.

"Yes, why can't you do, is it turning you on?" She asked in a seducing tone.

"Hmm noo" I just lied openly even knowing the fact that she can feel witness it. I moved my hand towards her pin without touching her. In seconds, I removed it. I held her falling saree in a nick of time and dipped them back in their place. I just saved my heart today. If that saree falls, I will fall definitely.

"Ca... Can I go!" I spoke out with utmost difficulty.

"It's paining hubby, can't you help me heal it!" She asked so cutely my jaws dropped by her cute expression.

"How?" I asked her to know her idea.

"Your expert in healing! don't you know!" She whispered, moving her finger on my cheek till my neck. How much more she will test me? I cursed my situation and repositioned behind her and slightly slipped her blouse off her shoulder, gently kissed her shoulder bone.

"Little harder and longer!" She moaned, holding my hand on her waist. He trailed a row of wet kisses on her back trying to make her happy. But I'm very unhappy in controlling my overflowing hormones. I lost my track and kissed nape making her moan for me. I realized my blunder and moved away from her. She turned towards me shyly.

"I think I should leave!" I whispered,. But looking away. She held my hand to stop me.

"You removed pin somewhere else too" She whispered blushing. Is she seriously wants me to kiss her there!

"Are you serious?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yes," She said getting me on my knees infront of her. I think it's high time for me. Sid just focus! complete this last one you can go away. I thought, adjusting myself comfortably. I gently kissed her tummy below her navel. She fisted my hair pulling my face closer on her waist by now my nose was dug in her navel tickling her and I'm sure she is enjoying this. I continued teasing her with my kisses until she feels satisfied. Her knees started getting weak, I can feel her ready to fall in pleasure. I wrapped my hands around her, supporting her to stay.

"Sid!" she moaned to stop me fisting my hair.

"Should I?" I asked.

"Yes," She said with a smile. I got up and carried her on the bed. After making her lie comfortably, I adjusted the stand fan for her.

"You sleep, we can talk morning" I made an excuse to leave that place before I lose my self-control. She held my hand tight from behind.

"God! Today I will die in controlling" I mumbled under my breath.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now