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Sana pov,

Life was so fantastic. I just couldn't believe it's me. The confidence I gained in all the while is just because of Sid. He is an ocean of knowledge. I topped in my exams and joined for an internship along with Kay. Sid asked me to join his firm, but I rejected it as I know very well what we will do if we stay together. I decided that I should do something on my own after my studies.

By this month, my internship will be over, along with our contract. He said he wants to negotiate, but I'm going to propose him. I can't bear this suspense, at least with my confession he will realize that it's not lust. He loves me as I do.

~~~~~~~Day came~~~~~~

"Finally, I'm going to say it!" She jumped in joy as she held her cheque and reached his mansion in all excitement.

Another side,

Adam and Sid are sitting in the study room having drinks.

"It's not done Sid, she is serious about your relationship," Adam said to him.

"Yaar, we both are serious, we both know our life's. She is also a girl man! How can she resist my charm, and she gave in for me. We had fun, and she is mature enough to know all." Sid said, sipping his drink.

"So, you think after this contract she will move on with another guy" Adam questioned directly.

"Of course, she will! I don't even mind if she moves in with you, man!" He chuckled playfully.

"Shut up, Sid! She is---" Adam's words locked in his throat as he saw Sana who is standing in tears near the doorway.

"Baby!" Sid called before he completes, she gifted him a tight slap.

"Adam is like my brother!" She shouted in disgust.

"You don't deserve me, Sid, you don't!" she cried, running away leaving the cake box and bouquet on the floor.

She left to her room crying.

"She heard it, Sid!" Adam confirmed.

"But I just said what we both decided before contract and this I was just kidding!" Sid said casually.

"Are you insane Sid? Can't you see her love for you?" Adam yelled in frustration.


"You will never understand her value until she goes away from you! Go talk with her," He said walking out of the mansion.


Sana is still crying while burying her face in the pillow.

"Baby!" He whispered, entering her room.

"What happened? Why you're crying like that? What wrong, I said?" He asked innocently.

She got up from the bed and wiped her tears. "You did nothing. It's all my fault! And why you came?" She sobbed out.

"Oh, for bed you came. Do you want to make out? "


"It's ok Sid! I signed your contract for this only, come on you can love me... Oops No! You can fuck me!" She scowled in broken tears.

"What the hell you're talking Sana!" He shouted in anger.

"It's a fact, which I forgot, and you reminded today!" She said with tears.


"Please, Mr. Andrew! Enough! I want to be alone. If you came to sleep with me, complete your need and leave me in peace or else get out right now!" She snapped in angry. He walked out in anger.


Next morning,

Sid was waiting for Sana to come out of her room. He is shocked to see her walking down along with few papers folded in her old outfit of causal t-shirt and jeans with a leather Sidet which she is worn on the day when he kidnapped her.

"Can we talk?" He asked straight without eye contact.

"Yeah! Even I want to say same! Actually, I'm sorry, Sid! You're right, we are in contract yesterday. I got little emotional. But at night, I realized how stupid I behaved. Sorry, Sid!" She said in a calm tone.

"No, Sana, I was just S---" Before he says more she interpreted him.

"I didn't complete yet! Let me talk, please! Hmm, it's over Sid!" She concluded in a haughty tone.


"Yes, our contract is over! By today we completed it. Here is our agreement. I hope I satisfied your lust for me." She said with a heavy heart.

"But baby, can't we negotiate?" He asked with hope. She smiled silly.

"How long Sid, I don't want to! I had my life as you got Sonia. I got someone and will marry him soon." She confessed holding her tears.


"Kay, He understands me better and loves me, so I decided to marry him. Once I get back to India, I will confess my dad and we will get married and I hope you won't disturb my life again! It's my request please never come in front of me!" She said in her painful tone.

"Ok, but"

"All the best Sid, I wish you a bright happy future with Sonia," She said with a smile.

"I don't like to send you like this. I know I can't determine the price of the things you did for me but still ask anything, I will give anything for you!" He requested.

"You can't give what I want because you don't have it!" She said with a fade smile.

"What don't I have?" He asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I hope one day you find it," She said with a smile making him confused.

"I didn't understand!" He said with a confused glare.

"Can I hug you once?" She asked with a smile. He grabbed her in a tight hug. She locked herself in his embrace.

"Can't we be together for few more days?" He whispered in her ear, still hugging her.

"We are done, Sid," she whispered while breaking the hug.

"It's over! Goodbye!" She waved goodbye and left the mansion with tears hidden from him.

He stumbled back onto the sofa by witnessing her leaving him forever. It's forever and ever.

"She can never ever be mine like before" He mumbled, and a lonely tear flipped down his eyes after understanding the fact.

Will he move on or go back?

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