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Sana P.O. V,

I remembered my dad when he asked me the question. "Did I miss my papa!" yeah, I miss him more than my life. I came away so long to save myself, but I lost myself in these trails. My life turned miserable day by day with his torture. Why had he borne? Why he came into my life and now running my life? What did he gain? I really don't know that he will again find me back. All my trails to save myself are a flap. My dad says I was a lucky charm, but why my luck is worst in my case. Why I'm going through all this pain?

"My dad never forces things on me like you do!" I burst out being irritated.

"I have my dreams to be the world's richest man and you had your dreams. I don't want to mess your life or mine. Just give me what I want, and this world will be yours." Whatever he says, I really can't understand or accept.

"You're forcing me. It's called Rape!" I tried to knock some sense.

"Oh really, but why you're responding and hiding the same from me? What is fake here is your mind or your body! Haven't you felt the growing wetness when I touched you? Haven't you moaned for my love bites?" He growled with an intense eye lock. Oh, God! He noticed so much. Even I don't know what's all that is ! I shivered in my place. Few beads of sweat started forming on My Forehead.

"My closeness is affecting you so much in this 21°c Closed room." He smirked while wiping out my sweat. I tried to collect a few words to handle the situation.

"I want you. Give me a chance. We both can enjoy!" He trailed off.

"What about the future? How can I lie, my husband!" I cried.

"Offo! Sana, why you're on 18′s? We are in '20s and now all are having a relationship before marriage, and we are doing the same. It's called as live in relationship. And trust me, I promise I will get you the best rich man and you can get married and stay happy." He said, he is right, but still, my heart is not letting this happen. I want that all to a person with love.

"I don't want rich, I want good. He should see me as I was." I said to him.

"Ok, will get you. Now, will you cooperate!"

"Hmm! Will try but--"

"But?? Ok, you take time, say your decision by tomorrow morning! And remember, your answer may be yes or no, but my decision remains the same. You are mine," he said in a possessive tone. God! Why he is like a monster? Why can't he understand me!

Think smart, Sana! If you take this time, you can get free for one total day. You can reject tomorrow and in two days you can get back to college. You can get a break from his torture.

"Hmm, I should think!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Really! Don't use brain. If it's a no, I will increase your punishment!" He said in an evil tone.

"What! That's not fair" I yelled while getting down from his desk.

"Everything is fair in my kingdom, but I think it's a ′no'. Did I ask you to move!" He asked in a dangerous tone.

God! Not again. Why he keeps on ruling me? don't do that, don't do this! Even I'm human like him, can't he understand that!

"You can scold out!" He whispered close to me.

"Why to get punished again and again!" I shouted. He laughed at me.

"I love to get scolded from you. The way you cruse me while biting your lip. That's a big turn on," what was that turn on.

"Turn on means," I asked being confused.

"If you say yes, I will show right now!" he said with excitement.

"If no!"

"I will show night" He chuckled with a smirk. One day, I going to punch his eyes for checking me out.

"Will you hurt me same if I say yes too?" I asked out inflow.

"I don't have any problem if you cooperate me and I promise to give you pleasure." He said with a smirk.

"I want time!" I said. He walked to me and leaned down up to my height.

"Don't use your common slogan again. I'm not here to waste my time. If it's yes, I can forgive from punishing or else!" He whispered in a husky tone. I got a smile, to my surprise.

"You can blush more. You look so beautiful with a smile." He complimented. Why can't he always be good like this? I saw my friend's boyfriends, who are so cool and romantic.

"What are you thinking?" His question got me back to reality.

"Nothing!" I brushed out my thought and moved away. He is a game-changer and always manipulates. I can't do this, my body may accept, but my heart never lets me do all this. I moved away from him.

--------P. O. V ends-----

"Ok fine, let's resume your punishment! Um, I was in a good to do something new" He chuckled with a smirk and moved close to reach her. She nodded negatively. He got seated on the couch and took her on his lap.

"Learn to say, 'yes' sometimes at least!" He whispered while blowing air behind her ear.

"I never felt so happy. Getting you in my embrace makes me feel proud of myself. You have a magic Sana," he whispered and planted a kiss on her nape.

"You will let me marry another person after completing your deal!" She asked.

"Yes, of course. I will gift you a wonderful life." He assured while placing wet kisses all over her nape.

"Then why can't I have a boyfriend now?" She questioned.

"What! When I'm here, what is the need of a boyfriend? I can give everything!" He sounded angry.

"I want love, I want a man to hold me tight and assure me that he is there to save me from this evil world. I want a man to protect me from lusty devils like you. I want a man to make me feel secure, like my dad. I want a man who can make me smile in an unpleasant situation too. I want a person to stop my tears. I want a person to heal my broken heart." She cried her heart out, making him speechless.

"Don't cry, baby!" He managed to say, but she remained unaffected.

"You will get such a man. You deserve all happiness, Sana. I promise I will make all fine. You can get happiness. "

She sobbed vigorously. That freaked him totally that he dashed his hand to the file holder beside which injures his hand. She got up with a jerk. She is shocked to see this. The one who always hurt others got hurt himself. She tries to hold his hand, but he jerked off.

"I love money, I want to be on top, but you are the only mistake of my life. Why can't you be the girl whom I should marry! Why can't you accept my condition!" He screamed in anger before she answers him. He left the cabin.

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