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I'm so sorry, Sid, I troubled you so much. Jay is your son. I'm very happy that you want him in life, unlike me. You want to give him a better life and I trust you, you will definitely give him the best life, but one small request make him know the value of people beyond money. Explain him the importance of people to love him. I know he had a great grandfather and a good father. Everyone wants him, my lucky son, only I'm unwanted so I'm leaving!

Leaving forever and ever.

All these years I was living for Jay, but today I understood that I'm needed no more and you don't want me. For me, I can't take Jay from you.

You have been saying we enjoyed life and Jay is not a mistake! He is a sweet reward of my unknown flaw. He is a gift, so I'm gifting him to you. Jay is too young to know anything in the world. Please don't yell at him. He will be so good, obedient.

If one day Jay asks where is my momma, tell him she passed away! never say to him that I left him. I can't bear my son hating me! Give him your love and your support like you always wanted.

Jay is all yours!

And my father, one of the world's best father he is! He supported even in all my flaws. You take care of him a little. My dad is so strong he can handle my loss, but just don't snatch my Jay from him. Just give him some time with Jay.

Goodbye Sid, I will be no more for you. "


"Jay, don't cry, I will get you, momma, I will get her " He assured Jay and went downstair where he collided with Alina.

"Where are you going? We had a board meeting" She said stopping him.

"I had some work, I will talk later " he was about to go, but she stopped him.

"It's important!" She warned.

"Its damm important for me than that fucking meeting!" He shouted in anger.

"Dad, please, I beg you, please take care of my son. Don't leave him until I come!" He said his dad giving Jay.

"Papa and momma will come back Jay, don't cry! Have food and be like a good boy!" Jay nodded for Sid's words. He wiped his tears and kissed his forehead with a smile.

"What happened, Sid? Sana?" His dad asked in worry.

"I will say everything later, I should go now!" Saying this he ran out freaking Alina.

Sid instructed his man to search for her. Everyone started searching in different directions, filtering the whole New York town inch by inch. Sid was driving rush in his worry and fear of losing her.

It's been evening. His mind started getting all negative thoughts. He stopped his car beside a bridge and got down from his car.

'Where you have gone, Sana? You left me againnnn!" He cried, falling on his knees vigorously.

"I can't live without you. I did an uncorrectable mistake... I destroyed our life with my own hands...!" He cried badly when his phone started vibrating in his pocket.

As he attended it he got a smile.

"Where?" He asked in excitement. His man shared the location.

"Ok, don't go near her. Just watch from a distance. I will be in a few minutes. " He said running towards his car and drove towards the said location.

The Shore of Manhattan Bridge.

Sana was crying, sitting on the wooden bench in heavy rain. Her tears are flowing down along with rain. Sid stopped his car on the road and ran towards her.

"Sanaaa" He shouted, running for her. She turned aside to see the owner of that voice. She got up seeing Sid and started to walk away from him.

'Sana, please don't go!" He begged running behind her. She walked faster to avoid him. He blocked her way in the middle.

"Why still behind me? What is left in my life?" She sobbed vigorously. He had fallen down on his knees in front of her.

"I'm so sorry, Sana, so sorry! I really didn't realize my mistake. I'm so sorry, please don't leave me alone again!" He cried like a kid hugging her legs, which shocked her to the core.

"What? Leave my legs! " She shouted pushing him away.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know that you loved me so much! I'm very sorry for being a fool." He cried.

"Suddenly you realized. How? Sid, it's enough I'm tired of all, you can be happy with Jay, forever " she said looking at him.

"I'm very sorry Sana, please one chance! One last chance I will do anything for you. Please!" He begged on his knees.

"Anything?" She asked to confirm.

"Anything and everything! Please, you gave a loan of your love. Let me repay it along with interest of my love... ′ I love you so much. I will be your slave lifetime, but please let me be with you. Please!" he sobbed like a kid. She collapsed on her knees to reach him and hugged him.

"Don't talk like that!" She cried, hugging him. He was sobbing badly, bitter than many. Her heart was broken by seeing him weak. She kissed his forehead, assuring her presence in his life by joining her forehead with his.

"I will not go! " She whispered under her breath.

"Really!" He asked excitedly, cupping her face in his two hands. He glared at her wet soaked lips with a lot of love as a response. She closed her eyes, blushing awaiting him to claim them. He leaned down to kiss her when her mind is filled with clashes of past. She pulled back before he reach her. She got up on her feet. She held his hand and made him stand on his feet and both sat on a bench facing each other in that heavy rain.

"Will you ever say that only I did a mistake?" She asked, looking at his eyes.

"No, everything is done by me" He accepted his fault.

"Can you say your mom that Jay is your baby?" She asked, cupping his face, but his silence reached her as a response. He got up from her.

"I know it's impossible for you" She concluded with a smile. He smiled at her return.

"Come with me as my wife. I promise, your respect is mine!" He assured her. He guided her towards his car and opened the car door for her like a true gentleman.

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