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After an hour, Sid returned with a plate of food for her.

"Do you like this view?" he asked with a smile.

She nodded," come let's have lunch!" He said while placing the plate on the recliner.

"I will have later." She said in a calm tone.

"Come here!" He demanded in his dominating tone. She moved to him without any argument. He gently took her in his lap and grabbed the plate from his side.

"You should take care of yourself. If you don't eat food, you will fall ill than how can you fight with me, argue with me!" He chuckled in a teasing. She smiled sadly.

"Please don't be like this. I know I was making it hard for you, but I don't have any choice." He said with a little guilt.

"Nothing, I just remembered my mom!" She told her present thought after seeing a little puppy and its mom on the road from the balcony.

"Do you miss her!" He asked while feeding a bite of food.

"Yes, she used to feed daily and used to scold on my silly mistakes. But today I have none to love me and my dad. Even I do mistakes I don't have my mom to scold me," She whispered in tears. He felt bad by seeing her tears. He placed the plate aside and pulled her into a comforting hug.

"Don't cry baby, your mom will never like seeing you in tears. She will be watching baby," He tried to comfort her as she cried like a kid in his embrace.

"Don't worry, kiddo! I can feed you daily and In case, if you miss her scolding, I will scold you daily for an hour," He chuckled playfully. She had broken the hug and glared at him with a pout.

"Not enough hour, then I will scold 2 hours. Don't worry, I can scold better than your mom and I can be beyond too," He chuckled with a smirk.

"You know what!" She asked in a childish tone.

"No, tell me!"

"How you born so shameless!" She asked doubtfully.

"I was born good sweetheart, but after seeing you I turned so shameless! Like I'm getting all dirty dreams of kissing your lips, sneezing you, punishing you, and right morning I got a dream that you accepted me, and we made out," He said with a naughty grin.

"Incredible!" She scolded while walking away from his lap. He pulled her back and started feeding her.

"Complete food than go or else I will start one more round for dinner" He whispered in a husky tone and his hand touched her thighs making a shiver pass through her body. She placed her hand on his to prevent his moment of moving further.

"Good girl!" He said with a smile and made her complete the lunch and he made her sleep and left the room.

She woke up evening when he returned from the office. They completed dinner with all silence, and they settled on the bed after setting a movie from Netflix. He was wearing casual shorts and a tiny t-shirt. She is still in the same shorts and tee. He adjusted the temperature and rested his back on the bedpost against a pillow and pulled her in his embrace while placing her in between his legs and wrapped his hands around her waist, which lead her to lean back to land on him. She started getting adopted to his touch. As the argument is hurting her.

"Why you are so silent? Don't you like this movie!" He whispered while brushing his lips on her neck.

"It's ok!" She spoke.

"It's not ok!" he said while kissing her collarbone. He Nuzzled his nose from the back causing tickles.

"Don't irritate me!" She giggled as he continued tickling her.

"I love irritating you so much!" He whispered, making her blush unknowingly.

"Shall we play a game, Sid!" She asked making him shock.

"what game!" He asked in disbelief.

"One day you be Sana and I will be Sid!"

"Hmm, sounds interesting, but what we get by this!" He questioned in confusion.

"We can know how far we know each other!" She spoke.

"Oh really! But I can't do anything for free. Show me some profit!" He asked with a naughty smirk.

"You got so much morning!"

"That's morning and now night!" He turned off the tv and pulled her in his embrace while cuddling her from the back. She tried to crawl front as she felt some uncomfortable thing touching her. It's nothing but his hardness, which is unknown to her. He cuddled her tight, digging himself into an airtight hug.

"I'm unable to breathe!" She managed to whimper in his tight grip. He loosened his grip, but he moved his fingers down towards her shorts and started caressing her thighs. She moved back to him to prohibit his touch but no way to go. He rubbed his thumb on her mold, making her jolt in pleasure. She gripped his hand to remove it.

"If you don't leave my had now, then I will rip your short" He warned in a dangerous dominating tone. She got angry but just pushed his hand away and turned to face him and slept on her front, making him surprised by her smart gesture. He moved his hand on her bum, drawing circles on her. She tried to ignore, but he is distracting her too much that he squeezed her waist while caressing her sensuously which freaked her totally and she got up and sat on the bed while folding her legs.

"What's your problem? Why can't you let me in peace!" she asked in an irritated tone. He lied on his left, facing her with his hand under his head for support.

"That's for fun sweetheart" he chuckled with a mischief smirk making her angrier. She kicked him on his stomach with her leg, made him roll down from the bed, and within seconds he was on the floor carpet while holding his stomach in pain.

"I hate someone touching me epically when I'm sleeping and you!" she pointed a finger towards him.

"What you think of yourself, even I'm human too. I'm not any robot to let you do anything as per your wish, even I have feelings. You did so much morning I was quite it doesn't mean that you touch me all the time when you like! If you again disturb me like this I will cut your hands and keep them in your pockets!" She scowled in anger.

"You are a big devil!" He cried in too much pain while holding his stomach in his hands.

"Not more than you!" She taunted.

"I will punish you hard for this!" He cried in anger as the pain was more.

"Oh really! First, get up from the floor, later you can dream about punishing me!" She mocked with a smirk.

"Ahh!" He rolled in pain to get up, but he couldn't move.

"Haha, I know where to kick and how to kick! I suggest you better call your doctor!" She said with a smile and slept on the bed like a queen by ignoring his pain. The whole night he was crawling on the floor to get rid of the pain, but that's too much for him. But she slept peacefully without any feeling as he deserves that pain. But little did she know that she played with fire, and it can burn her fingers later.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now