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Sana maintained her calm all over the week and tried too normal with him. Because of her period's interval, Sid didn't find any difference in her. He thought that as causal mood swings. He completed the deal and signed the contract and finally it's time for giving a sendoff to Sonia.

All trio left to club to party hard,

Sana tried to accept Sonia and Sid's relation, but it hurts her so much.

She faked to be normal with them. In meanwhile she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. A smile captured her face by seeing the owner of that hand.

"Kay!" She jumped in joy like an excited kid, which grabbed the attention on both Sid and Sonia.

"Kiddo! You in club what a surprise" Kay asked in surprise.

"Yeah, just came with friends," She said with a smile, introducing them.

"That's Sonia, my friend, and her fiance Sid" She introduced him just like it should reach Sid.

"This is Kay, my childhood best friend"

"Nice meeting you Kay" Sonia smiled passing a drink for him. He smiled at her taking the drink.

"Sid! Are you the same person who teaches mathematics for class 12th three years ago?" Kay asked doubtfully. Sonia and Sana spat out drink at a time in shock.

"What? " Sonia yelled in shock.

"Yeah! I worked as a professor part-time and this Sana is one of my top student and school topper." Sid smirked at Sana.

Sana turned around to hide her blushing face.

"Yeah! She is poor in math but later scored 87% in maths" Kay said with a smile.

"Oh, romance with student Mr.Andrew" Sonia whispered in a teasing tone which is just audible to them

"Shut up! She will kill me if you say about the professor and all. Madam accepted this relation only after leaving that job." He whispered in a pleasing tone.

"Anything wrong!" Kay asked them, seeing whispering in a low tone.

"No nothing! They are a couple, so keep on pulling each other legs. Let's enjoy come " Sana said while taking kay with her. Sid's eyes followed her behind.

Sonia was talking continually but Sid is lost is spying his girlfriend. On another side, Sana was enjoying Kay's company to overcome her jealous, but she is exchanging her eyes with Sid from a distance.

"Hmm, can we dance Sana!" Kay exclaimed hoping a positive response. She was about to deny when her eyes fell on Sid, who is watching them from the bar counter sipping on drinks.

"Sure, why no Handsome!" she said in a flirty tone, making Sid furious by seeing her move. Kay felt so happy that he got the opportunity to dance with his childhood crush. He walked on to the dance floor with a hand in her hand and other on her waist. They started dancing on slow music which raised jealous in Sid's heart. His eyes are burning with rage by seeing his girl dancing with another man. He started having peg by peg almost 20shots, but he is not getting that thrill as the jealous overcame the dosage of alcohol. Sana is counting his drinks with her eyes while dancing with Kay. Although, it felt uncomfortable to dance with another man. It is needed to know Sid feeling towards her.

After a while, all four decided to leave the club and walked out towards the exit.

"Kay! Sid will drop you too. It's just on the way" She said with a smile, fusing Sid more.

Soon the car came he opened the door for Sana and Sonia and Kay occupied the passenger seat beside Sid who is driving.

Sid dropped Sonia first, and she kissed his cheeks to say bye, which irked Sana. Later he dropped Kay.

"Bye baby, good night," Sana said with a smile.

"Good night cutie" He waved a bye and Sid pulled away his car and stopped in the middle of the road. Sana was still sitting on the back seat playing on her phone. She glared at the empty road.

"Any problem!" She asked while still seeing her phone. He jumped out of his car and opened the back door and dived on her while snatching her phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked in horror.

"What the hell is this dress and you!" He shouted, ripping off her dress from her body.

"Ahhh! My dress!" She screamed in anger.

"We are on the road! How can I go home like this!" She shouted, hitting him. He pulled her down and pressed himself on her while capturing her lips with his. He kissed her furiously, pouring out his jealous, and taking off his total frustration biting her lips. When he felt satisfied while tasting her blood, he left her lips. She panted to get some air in the packed car under him. She was sweated totally because of his force. Before She gets relaxed, he sneezed her melons on her lingering making her scream in painful pleasure.

"Ahh! Sid!" She screamed aloud.

"How dare you to let him touch you!" He screamed in anger.

"Who!" she mumbled while faking innocence.

"Don't you remember?" He roared while biting her collar bone.

"Oh, Kayyyy!" She moaned, fisting his hair. His angry raised by hearing other men's name from her lips. He claimed her lips, pulling her into a possessive kiss.

"Um, Slow!" She moaned in his mouth.

"Why the fucking you're dancing with him!" He shouted, breaking the kiss.

"My wish! That's my friend" She shouted, waking the devil.

"Is it so" He demanded, pulling her down under him and changed position, getting her on his lap. He slapped her thighs hard, making her jerk in pain. She held his hand to stop him.

"Dare you stop me!" He warned, making her shiver. She left his hand and turned, remained quiet for a second.

"It's my wish only when you can dance with Sonia. Why can't I do with Kay?" She said with a serious tone. He took a step back by hearing her confession. He placed her on the seat and got back to the driving seat and drove silently which confused her.

He parked her car in front of his mansion and opened the door for Sana.

"How can I come like this!" she asked with a pout showing the scattered pieces of her dress.

"You will come out just like this! Come out!" He demanded.

"No! Give me your shirt at least!" She pouted.

"Come out, Sana!" He shouted in anger, making her scare. She crawled back in fear. He pulled her by her ankle. She thought he will carry her in arms but carried her on his shoulder and spanked her back making her scream. He placed her in-between him and the big, large wooden door to unlock the door. Sana has hidden herself by snuggling in his Sidet. He entered the password and added his thumb on the sensor. His hands automatically reached her strap and in seconds the last, but one piece fell from her little frame, making her gasp in shock.

"Ahh, you Monster Andrew!" She screamed in anger. He just dragged her inside without hurting her.

"I will count 3. You should be on my bed by the time I complete 3," He said in a dominating tone.

"Ahh, or else" She chuckled playfully.

"I decided 20 it will be 50," He said with a smirk.

"What 20- 50?" She asked innocently.

"Count of your punishment, one more question. It will be right here 100!" He shouted in a dominating tone making her jump in fear.

"Run!" He ordered starting his count "1"

"You such a sick monster!" She scolded him, running upstairs. She jumped on the bed instantly. She waited for 10minsbut Sid is nowhere, which made her relive she got down and opened the wardrobe and grabbed a shirt to cover herself. In seconds she dipped herself in his shirt and lie on the bed thinking the things happened today.

"Today it's time to teach you!" He whispered with a devilish grin.

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