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He placed a note on the bed along with a beautiful dress. She just followed him.

"Sana!" he called her from the living room. She ran out like a scared kitten.

"Come down sweety!" He chuckled with a smile. She walked down the stairs as his gaze following her from top to bottom. His eyes halted from inch to inch, which made her uncomfortable.

"Let's sign the contract!" He asked in a husky tone.

"What will you get by destroying my life? What can you gain by blackmailing me and forcing to into?" She choked in tears.

"Satisfaction and pleasure! Now you can't understand, but I will show it practically and trust me, you will love it! Now, stop crying and sign them." He said with a smirk and forwarded her pen.

"When you decided to destroy me, why these papers and signs! I lost my battle, and I can never stand back." She shattered in a broken tone. He felt a little guilt by seeing her tears, but his lust overcame it.

"My safety, If in case if you complain that I had raped you. I cannot ruin my reputation. Read them and sign, " He said while occupying the king-sized sofa.

she turned to read, but his voice stopped her.

"It has 5 papers, and I don't want to waste time. I will give a brief explanation and you sign" He announced while taking the papers from her.

"You are just bound to obey me and stay with me and do anything I ask you too. By following all my rules.


-First and foremost, you shouldn't cry.

-follow my timetable as I say!

- you should have the food which I say and have breakfast and dinner along with me daily and maybe lunch too sometimes.

-you should go nowhere without my permission.

-never raise your voice or hand in front of me.

- I will select your dress.

- I will pay every expense of yours including your fee.

- I should never hear a 'No'

- you should accept any punishment if you make any mistake.

I will decide punishment in my own way and don't expect small things as I gave you in school. This going to be a hard way.


I'm giving rights too.

- you can roam free in this mansion. You can rule this mansion like a queen. Every servant will respect you as equal to me.

- you can express anything except a 'No'

- you can ask me anything

In case of any extreme, you can use the safe word we can discuss that word after a few days.

But misuse of the safe word is a punishable offense. Remember!

She was frozen in fear for a second.

"sign sweetheart!" he said with a smirk.

She flinched back a little in fear.

"Will you sign or shall I!" He said in an evil tone.

She wiped her tears and made herself strong and took the papers and signed them.

"sign on the last two sheets!" he said with a smirk. She signed all in anger and pushed the file towards him.

"Hate! Or anger!" He chuckled with a creepy smile.

"Hate is a small word! You're disgusting" She shouted in disgust.

"Scolding me, hmm... violation of rules!" He smirked with an evil grin.

She moved away in anger, but he pulled her back on his lap.

"Ignoring me! " He said in a serious tone and dug himself in her neck and gave a hard bite on her neck which made her cry and scream in pain.

"Say sorry, if you want to get saved!" he warned in her ear.

"I didn't do any mistake, you're disgusting!" She cried while getting up from him. He pulled her back on him.

"Leave!" she shouted

"Never!" he whispered and started placing open mouth kisses all over her neck. He pulled her dress from her shoulder and kissed her every inch of top. She flinched and struggled to get free. He placed a small bite on her collarbone.

"Ah!" She moaned in pain.

"will you say sorry!" He whispered while soothing his bites with his kisses.

"Leave me!" She cried and pushed him back. He got angry and pulled her by her dress and as a result, it has torn off. She covered her front with her little hands in tears.

"Sorry!" He said unknowingly and covered her with his leather Sidet. He took her in his arms and placed her on his couch.

"Sweety! Don't make me angry. Let's have a good time and you're so precious for me" He whispered in a calm tone and got out a small box of rings.

"Just think, I'm your husband for this year. Complete every duty of a wife and trust me, I will never hurt you." He assured her.

She turned her face away.

He took the ring and placed it on her ring finger and kissed her hand. She grabbed her hand away from him with a jerk. He glared at her with anger but composed himself.

"It's your turn baby!" he said with a smile and gestured her a ring.

"I can never think about a disgusting husband like you. It's a mere deal of year and you never want my willingness. Just the fuck get out of my side." She scowled in anger, which provoked him.

" I think I failed in making you understand my rules or you wanna get punished! I should show a sample of punishments you will get." He said while getting up from his seat. She moved back in fear.

He grabbed her upstairs and pushed her in his room and locked the door.

"You have three options of getting punished, select one

One- I will spank you hard

Two- I will use my belt insisted off hand

Three- I will tie you here with a device inside you, the worst thing you can say from your view!" He chuckled with an evil smirk and grabbed all the things from his cupboard.

She crawled back on the bed and cried in fear.

"Say! Or else shall I try all one by one and you can taste all" He whispered in a husky tone.

"No, please" She pleaded being scared.

"Please what! If you want me to stop? Get on your knees and say that your sorry" He smirked in a dominating tone.

"Sorry!" She said while turning away.

"On your knees!" He commanded.

"I can only say sorry like this. " She said being strong.

"Such a bad student, I will teach you discipline. Come!" he pulled her down by her ankle and in a second he flipped her down on her stomach.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now