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His hand reached her ass, caressing her thighs, he pulled her shirt up. She tried to protest, but he gripped her hand to prevent it.

"This was a good one!" he chuckled while reaching her waistband. He could hear her erotic heartbeat. Which tells me that she got more excited by his dirty game. She wanted to push him away because of her heart, but her body wanted more. She pushed me away, but he pulled her back in his embrace." I can't leave my sexy reward" he whispered as I dig in her neck.

"Just one kiss, we can end this!" he asked, but she is not in a sense to listen or understand. He took charge of that situation and carried her to the bed and placed her on it and lied over her. This moment was felt like heaven to see her on his bed in his shirt.

He leaned down to kiss her temple. She tried to roll away, but he got hold of her. She tried to push him but pressed my weight on her little body to get my control. He entwined his fingers with hers.

"You will love it, my lady!" He whispered while taking her lower lip in his. He didn't kiss as he wants to taste it while chewing it like a candy. He kept on teasing her and decided to get her to an edge and she got frustrated and pulled his head with her free hand and moved her is with his. That's like his dream came true. She is kissing him. They were kissing each other furiously and she couldn't hold her breath anymore as he freed her by broking the kiss. She took a long breath and reality reached her. She pushed him back, but he forced her back on the bed. When he tried to kiss her again, she pinched his waist." Ah!" he screamed in pain.

"How dare you to pinch me!" he yelled.

"Get the hell off me!" She scowled. And that's enough to wake the beast inside him.

"You did all yesterday, slapped me and today pinched me enough! And today it's my turn to pinch you and slap you." He smirked at her and pinned her both hands on her head. With his free hand, he reached her waist and traced her on the shirt until he reached her sexy curves and pinched her gem over the shirt. She screamed in pain.

"Is it paining, baby!" he asked with a naughty grin.

"Don't you dare touch me!" she shouted in response.

"Learn to respect me!" He pinched her one more time while kneeling her curves. She struggled under him, but he continued my pleasuring torture. He leaned down and attacked her right melon while kneeling the other in his rough hand. He bitted on her shirt, making her moan in pain as well as pleasure. He placed multiple kisses all over her shirt, making it wet with his tendering kisses.

He leaned down and placed his leg in between her legs to prevent her from moving and reached her face. She tried to pull back. His hands made way to reach down her, thighs caressing her inner thighs with his hand sensually and his hand halted exactly on her mold. She gulped in shock as her words stuck inside her mouth.

"Remove your hand!" She tried to scream, but her voice came out like a choke.

"Not so fast baby!" He chuckled with a devilish smirk as he cupped her mold with his palm, making her shiver by his touch on her most sensitive untouched part.

"please l-- l... le... eave me....!" She struggled to speak in such a situation.

"Yesterday, you had slapped me right! Like how, show me!" He asked while tightening his sneezing grip on her.

"L.. eave!" She barked.

"Show me, baby, how you slapped me?" he freed her hands and got it up to his cheek, but she pulled her hand back and tried to remove his hand from her panties, but he gripped strongly. He held her hand back and pinned them above her head.

"I think you're blushing. Wait, I will show it!" He chuckled with a naughty evil grin. She expected him to slap her on the face, so she closed her face to receive the pain, but to her horror, she felt horrible pain as he slapped hard on her p***y making her cry in pain.

"No! It's little harder" He added one more making her scream.

"Ah!" She screamed.

"I love this. Will you again think of raising your hand upon me!" He asked in a devilish tone while rubbing her to smoothen her pain and it turned out as pleasure.

"Please stop!" she cried in pleasure as he started drawing circles over her pantie.

"Look, I'm so good that I slapped you and healing you, but you didn't do that" He whispered in a husky tone. She gripped the sheet in her fist to control her moan.

"Apology me then!"

"Fine, sorry" She cried out.

"Not audible, say again!" He teased her while getting her to an edge.

"Sorry!" She screamed in pleasure.

"Should I stop now!" He asked in a teasing tone while tracing his fingers on her tiny cloth in a slow, constant pace.

"I want to use the washroom, please!" She requested him.

"You don't need too" He whispered with a smirk and continued his pleasuring torture. She has bitten her lip to control herself. She is unaware of the things that happen in intercourse. He reached her face and claimed her lips into a passionate kiss and his hand continued pleasuring her and she came for the first time of her life, and he felt the real wetness for the first time.

"You are the most beautiful thing that happened in my life." He whispered while caressing her wet pantie. She was breathing hard being exhausted. She covered her front with the sheet, being embarrassed.

"Hey, there is nothing to be embarrassed, baby!" He tried to explain to her, but she crawled back in fear.

"Come here!" He demanded.

"Come here or else I will reach you!" He said in a dominating tone. She crawled a little beside him. He took her in his embrace along with the sheet.

"that happened because of the pleasure I gave you. It happens for every girl and even we do, there is nothing to get embarrassed and you meant for me. Just give in by leaving you so-called ego you can feel heaven every day. Just trust me once!"

"Stop it, please! I can't handle this" She said in an exhausted tone. He took her in his embrace.

"One day you will feel wanting more of this!" He said while hugging her tight. She slept on his chest being tired.

Sid pov

She is so naïve. I never had this feeling before. She made me feel so bliss by her presence beside me. I had so many feelings for her. A connection more than my mom, I can end up in one day, but my heart wants more of her. She is having a hard time, but I'm having a more hard time. Yep, seeing her closer and controlling myself totally because I can't snatch her dignity without her will.

" I want her to respond"

"I want her to enjoy"

" I want her to ask for more"

" I want her to moan my name with total pleasure."

" I want her to fist my hair when I kiss her juicy lips."

"I want her to live happily with me at least this year."

But how to convince her to understand me!

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