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Sana pov,

I never expected that Sid can think so cheap about me! How can he think of me like that! I decided to end this relation right here. I moved out to Kay's place to prevent any other doubt from Sid. I did a big mistake in my life. An unforgettable mistake. I thought about confessing my love and introduce my dad, but now I had nothing in my life. Nothing! I cried my heart out. I returned to India. My dad noticed my depression. He tried to seek an answer from me, but I remained silent. What should I say to him?

How can I tell him that I slept, and I lived in with a man without his consent? I intentionally spoiled my own life.

How can I tell him that his daughter signed a contract to share her bed? Sid is on same word till the end, but I fell in love with him. It's all my mistake!

The next morning, I opened my eyes on a hospital bed.

"What happened?" I asked dad who is standing beside the wall.

"Don't know! You fainted, so I got you here" He said with a worried tone. I thought it would be a normal sickness due to my depression. The doctor walked in with a file of my reports. She looked at me with unusual emotion in her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked her to clear my doubt.

"I'm sorry to say, but "

"What doctor?" My dad asked in worry.

"Hmm, she is pregnant " She confessed which makes me fall back.

"What! It can't happen, maybe some misunderstanding in reports " My dad tried to think positive it's all his tryst upon me, but I broken his trust. I destroyed his faith in me. I stood as a black mark in his life.

"I cross-checked twice. She is pregnant and her baby is 2months" the doctor confirmed.

"No, it can't happen!" My dad still argued.

"It happened, dad! I'm so sorry, but it happened your daughter is no more pure. I fought, I tried, but I lost. I loved a wrong person dad, even after knowing he doesn't love me, I loved him. I got everything myself and now when I thought to die, my mistake came to light. I don't know how to tell you this! I feel so low on myself.

I don't even know how to face you!" I cried on my own fate. My dad stumbled back on the couch with my confession.

"It's ok Sana, control yourself. I suggest you abort this baby!" Doctor said.

"What? I can't kill an innocent. I can't, dad please, please I want this baby" I cried, I know I'm asking so much from my dad even after running his good upbringing, but I can't kill my baby. It may be a mistake, but he is my love. Maybe God took away Sid but giving me another chance by this baby.

"I should talk to you Mr.Miller, personally!" The doctor said taking dad away. He returned in a while and got seated beside me.

"Dad, please don't tell me to kill my baby!" I cried in his arms.

"Look Sana, I don't have any anger on you or your baby. I always love you and your always my little girl, but you can't give birth to that baby! Try to understand Sana, I have more pain for you then the pain you had for your unborn baby. You're too young and weak to carry this baby. You can't do this. I can't be alive if something happens to my daughter. Please, Sana, don't take away my daughter for your unborn baby." My dad cried, hugging me.

"I'm very sorry, papa, but please, I can't live like this. I need some hope it will be my baby. Please" I pleaded him. He couldn't see my tears.

"Ok, but on one condition! you should obey me in everything hereafter!" He said in a strict tone.

"I promise, I will never do any mistake in my life. "

"Never go away from me. I have none in this world except you. I don't care about this society. The thing matters to me is your happiness. I promised your mother to keep you happy forever. I can go to any extent to keep you happy." He confessed in tears.

"I love you, papa, your best. But I created a big mess. I'm so sorry " I cried in guilt.

7months later,

"I already said, Mr. Miller. She is in critical condition. We can save only one. Whom do you want?" The doctor asked permission before undergoing an operation.

"I want my daughter. Please save her." Her dad signed the papers, and the doctor gave papers to the nurse and walked into the operation theater.

"Doctor, my baby!" She cried for her unborn.

"Calm down Sana, you're in critical condition." Doctor tried to convince her. She grabbed a syringe to give her anesthesia.

"Please doctor, I will die if something happens to my baby. I will die seriously" she said crying in pain.

"Ok ok calm down! I will try my best. Just relax" Doctor said making her lie on her back. She gave anesthesia.

She gave birth to a baby boy. Due to certain complications, he was born few days early and kept in observation. After a week baby was fine and Sana was out of danger.

Only three ppl know about her pregnancy. They faked the world about surrogacy. Jay became her world, and she overcame her bitter past with his sweet smiles.

Flashback ends

Another side,

Sid was drinking, remembering morning office incidents. He got a call from his men. He answered it. After hearing the call, he left his phone in shock.

He grabbed back his phone and called someone.

Next evening,

Sana received a call from Sid.

"What!" She yelled.

"If you want Jay, meet me in my farmhouse," He said and forwarding a video of Jay playing. She reached to his farmhouse with anger. She lost all her calm and wanted to break his face for blackmailing her. As she went in she has seen Jay sleeping peacefully.

"Why the hell you always doing this today, I will kill you!" She shouted in anger.

"Really! " He chuckled in a playful tone.

"I will if I again find you around my Jay" She shouted in anger.

"Really! What if one day your son comes to know about our contract? It's a long way what if Mr.Miller finds out about our contract? I just heard that you lied to him that you had breakup with some x who is that x? And what this society thinks it knows about our dirty deals?" He chuckled with a devilish grin.

"What? You can't disclose it to the world, it's as per rules of that and you can't change it!" She snapped in anger.

"Those rules are when we are in contract, but now you are free. Anyone can know it" He said with a smirk.

"You can't do this? Why you're doing this?" she cried fisting his collar.

"Marry me, Sana! This was only one last option for you. If you don't want this marriage, I will take away what's mine! Think wise, I'm giving you one last chance. We both did a mistake and I want to correct it. If you still show this attitude, I can't stay back. I already asked your dad. He said he wants to talk with you. By morning I should listen yes from you or else!" He threatened her in a horrific tone. She stepped back, seeing his bloodshot eyes.

"You can leave now," He said walking upstairs. She gently took sleeping Jay in her arms and left home.

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