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Sid took her in his arms forcible and walked in his room.

"Leave me, you monster!" She cried and bitten his arm and jumped out from his grip.

"Ahh you!" he shouted in anger and started chasing her.

She just showed her teeth, laughing at him. It's just like pulling the tail of a lion.

"You stop or else!" He shouted while chasing her. She ran around the bed when he tried to hold her soft hand slipped from him and she ran away, jumping on the bed.

"I'm saying you one last time. Stop! Or else!" He warned in a dangerous tone.

"Why should I stop! Who are you to order me! Do you have any right!" She shouted at him while standing on the other side of the bed facing him.

"The fucking hell! Come here, then I will show what right I have!" He scowled in anger.

"Yes, you don't get gifts! Did you ever get any gift on your life with love? I mean did anyone give you a gift with no selfish motive!" She questioned him with amused him.

"It's an impossible thing, we can't get anything for free." He said with a smirk.

"Oh, so what you gave me? You're demanding all from me! Did you give anything!" Her question made him freeze.

"Well! It's a reverse deal. Give me what I want, and I can give anything you want!" He said with a proud smirk.

"Oh really, can you get my acceptance! I mean can you achieve my heart by that I may gift myself to you. Can you!" She asked with a smirk.

"Means I should love you, look I don't have time for love, and I don't believe it too. Why you're getting into emotions just make deal physical. Satisfy me and ask anything you want!"

"Are you scared of love! Or you know that winning me is not easy!" She chuckled with a smile.

"Sid Andrew! Is scared of nothing! I can do anything and everything. But now you provoked me too much, and I think I should punish you well. Come, we will try something new!" He said while jumping towards her. She ran away and about to go out of the room, but Sid closed the door in a second and locked it with his fingerprint.

"Now run as much as you want!" He said with an evil smirk.

"It's not good to force a girl!" she mumbled while stepping back.

"It's very bad to provoke me to force you!" He said in a husky tone.

"What I did! It's you always get angry like a psychopath!" She shouted like a kid.

"What! I'm looking like a psychopath for you!" He shouted.

"Haan this anger only made me feel it, look don't get angry. I'm getting so much sleep and I will sleep in my room ok," She mumbled in a low tone like a scared kitten.

"Acha, how can you go without getting a reward! Come here!" He demanded.

"I don't want any reward! Let me go!" She shouted the fear is clearly visible in her shivering tone.

"Stop wasting time! You have 3secinds or else I will show my power." He warned one last time.

"Please!" She pleaded.

"Three!" He shouted.

"What I did that you're getting angry!" She tried to maintain courage.


She moved a step back.

"If you don't obey! I will tie you off for a week on this same bed." He flushed in a dangerous tone.

"One!" she took a few baby steps and reached him.

"Sit here, don't you dare to move!" He ordered before vacating the room. He came back in a minute with a plate full of meals. He settled on the couch and placed the plate on the small table.

"Come here!" he said in his crisp voice. She felt his aim is to feed her. She expected it; she felt he cares about her feeling, but little did she know that he is a monster and not any lover boy.

As she reached, he grabbed her on his lap and caged her with his arms around her tiny waist.

"What you are doing! Leave me, I will have food as you say!" she pleaded.

"You should have, but as I say, take the plate and eat!" He ordered.

"I will but remove your hands!" She said like a stubborn kid.

He moved his hand towards her thighs and squeezed her.

"If you take one more word, I will rip this!" He whispered in her ear while gripping her night pant.

She nodded obediently and started having her dinner. He pulled her t-shirt up a little and moved his hand inside her shirt. She spatted out the food by feeling his touch.

He pressed her back on his chest by holding her stomach and made gave her water.

"You feel soft like cotton! Let me enjoy, baby!" He whispered in a lusty tone.

"Enough! I'm full" She said while trying to get up from him, but he held her strong.

"I should decide it! Complete totally or shall I eat you," He asked in a deadly tone.

"I can't eat food like this, leave me alone." she should while removing his hand from her shirt.

"At first, I gave a chance to eat as you like but did you obeyed. You ran, your fighter, you wasted so much of my time and energy, and now how can I forgive. I will touch you and I will touch you anytime, anywhere! If you again argue or use that half brain! I will rip these clothes."

"Your so worst!" She murmured herself but he heard it.

"I know! Complete that food before I shift my hand to explore another place of your body," He chuckled while kissing her collarbone. He placed a bite on her neck, making her scream.

"Learn to obey! "

"Why can you learn to understand!" She shouted in anger.

"Why should I? If you obey it will give less pain or else it makes worst for you. It's all your pain, my pleasure." He said like a playboy with his mischievous smirk.

"I will kill you one day!" She scowled back.

"Ok, we will play a game if you lose you should obey, if I lose I will understand! Deal ok!" He asked with a devilish smirk.

"What game! "

"Follow game, you can hit me anywhere and I will kiss you on the same spot. Or I will kiss you first, then you can hit me on the same spot." He chuckled with a naughty grin.

"No way!"

"It's useful to you more! You can hit me as you like. You can show all your anger! Think wise!" he added.

"Ok, my turn first! I will hit you!" She said in a determined tone. He nodded yes happily.


flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now