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She stumbled to the kitchen, the unarmed alarm system flashing green light above the marble counter. She moved towards my freezer and grabbed a bottle.

After drinking full, she turned toward the kitchen entrance to make her way to the bedroom, when suddenly, as she neared the dining table her eyes caught a slight sheen of fractured light. Cold fright washed over her shocked body as the sight of the broken window registered in her mind. Glass lay scattered around the broken window, the glow of the moon reflecting against the wooden floor.

She stumbled backward. She lost her balance and landed on the hard floor with a groan as the air rushed from my lungs at the impact.

"Someone hel...mhmm!"

Her scream were cut off as the person harshly pressed his hand over her mouth, causing her braces to painfully cut into her lips.

"Shhh. Not now little girl, I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut. If you cooperate then you'll walk out of this somewhat undamaged."

Her eyes widened at the threat of the clearly male criminal.

"Please don't."

His hand muffled her words, but his laughter clearly showed he knew what she had tried to say.

"Oh, little girl, soon you'll be begging for something else."

He gripped her head with his other hand and dragged her to her feet; her scream muffled as she scrunched up her face in pain. She stumbled as he dragged her behind him, her nails clawing at the firm grip he had on her hair. He pulled her out of the kitchen into the living room, pausing suddenly as if he was in thought. He pulled harder against her hair, making a shrill muffled scream out of her throat.

"Where is your room?"

She shook her head," Don't you know!" she is mumbling against his hand. He sighed, let go of her hair, and twisted her body around. He forced her to bend over the nearest couch and flipped up her t-shirt, her bottom squirming as he roughly ripped off her jeans and pantie, causing the thin material to rip as it caught on her hips and then he shoved her ruined underwear into his jeans.

A scream ripped through her throat as the man forced his palm down on her now unprotected bottom. Agony cut through her bottom as he kept on spanking her, her body arching and writhing on the couch as her legs kicked out in a desperate attempt to escape. His hand suddenly came down again, but this time it rubbed softly against the red welts that spread over her butt.

"Now, little girl, I will ask this one last time. Were. Is Your Room?"

His voice was rough, and the clear command in his tone sent a thrill all the way from her ear to her aching bottom. She lifted her shaky arm and pointed in the direction of the stairs that led to the bedrooms, all the while whimpering as tears dripped from her face.

He pulled her away from the couch and pulled her on his shoulder and carried her upstairs

They neared her room, the pale pink door standing out. She tried pulling him to a halt, mumbling into his hand as they passed her room. Confusion etched across her face as they neared Sid's bedroom.

They stopped in the open doorway, the white and bedsheets of the king-size bed glowing faintly in the middle of the room.

"This isn't your room, is it little girl? The pink door was your room, wasn't it?"

Her reply was once again muffled, but her nod was a clear confirmation of his assumption. He made no attempt of heading back to her room, instead; he lifted her struggling body and roughly threw her onto the silky sheets. She had no time to scream or make an escape before he was on top of her, his hand once more folded over her mouth as he gripped her wrists in his other hand.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now